say that in being conscious
青團 日語怎麼說
青 葉 餅
あお ば もち
[詞典] sweet green rice ball;
As for Shanghai, green groups are very ancestor-worship clear offerings.
Qing Dumpling
哪裡有專業的酒樓英文菜單啊? 5分
羊肉粥 Mutton Porridge
八寶土豆山藥糕 Potato and Yam Cake with “Eight-treasures”
八寶薯蕷糕 Yam Cake with “Eight-treasures”
八寶山藥糕 Yam Cake with “Eight-treasures”
蘇式綠豆糕 Jiangsu Style Green Bean Cake
京式綠豆糕 Beijing Style Green Bean Cake
綠豆糕 Green Bean Cake
八寶油糕 Vegetable Oil Cake with “Eight-treasures”
八寶參糕 Gensing Cake with “Eight-treasures”
牛肉火鍋面 Beef Noodles
榴連焗蛋撻 Durian Tortilere
酥皮馬蹄糕 Toasted Horse Hoof Cake
鮑汁灌湯小籠包 Juicy Steamed Buns Stuffed with Abalone
蟹肉魚翅灌湯餃 Dumpling Stuffed with Crab Meat and Shark’Fin
杭菊煎班戟 Dumpling Stuffed with Chrysanthemum
芋泥卷 Mashed Taro Roll
鮮奶油栗子蛋糕 Cream and Chestnuts Cake
三色蛋糕(二) Three-Color Egg Cake
切白卷蛋糕 Cut Tube-Shaped Egg Cake
布丁蛋糕 Pudding Cake
夾心蒸蛋糕 Layer Egg Cake
聖誕老人蛋糕 Santa Claus Egg Cake
捲筒蛋糕 Thick Tube-Shaped Egg Cake
三色蛋糕 Three-Color Egg Cake
油酥燒餅 Fried Flour Cake
野菇培根面 Wild Mushroom and Bacon Noodles
肉腸通心粉 Macaroni with Ham
細麵條 Thin Noodles
米飯(意大利) Rice
意大利奶酪包 Bread with Cheese
意大利炒飯 Fried Rice
色拉 Salad
香火雞餡餅 Spiced Turkey Pie
洋蔥比薩 Onion Pizza
比薩餅(意大利) Pizza
比薩通心粉沙司 Pizza and Macaroni Sauce
番茄酸豆魚面 Fish Noodles with Tomato and Sour Beans
乾酪通心粉 Cheese Macaroni
水滴壽司 Rice Sushi with Water Drop Decoration
壽司飯 Sushi Rice
手握壽司 Peony Mochi
烏冬面 Seafood noodles
饅頭 Bun
豆沙白玉糰子 Red Bean Paste and Rice Powder Balls
鮭魚飯糰 Salmon Peony Mochi
海鮮煎餅 Seafood Pancake
栗子銅鑼燒 Pancake with Chestnuts
綠意通心粉 Macaroni with Seasoning
巧克力銅鑼燒餅 Griddle Cooked Cocoa Cake
紅豆飯 Red Bean Rice
豆沙饅頭 Red Bean Bun
冷素面 Cold Noodles
雞蛋包飯 R......
做青團:p揣ck up tea leaves
挖筍: Digging bamboo shoots
採茶葉:Mining Tea
wi ji bai ke官網譯本作Qingtuan,green cake
另,green rice-dumpling(綠色湯圓),供參
sticky-rice mixed candied lotus-root
candied lotus-root mixed with sticky-rice
參考資料:wi ji bai ke