Ni gan mao hao le ma?
Do you recover from your flu?
Is your cold getting better?
感冒好點沒 英語地道翻譯哈
1. Are you feeling better now with your cold? / Is your cold getting better?
2. Do you still have a fever right now? / Is your fever getting bet海er?
3. I have a minor fever, but I'm feeling much better now after taking some medication. / No, I'm still not feeling too well.
4. Is your headache getting better? / Does your head still hurt? Do you want me to take you to the doctors?
5. My headache is completely gone. / My head still hurts a little bit, but I think with some rest it'll get better.
6. Please don't add pepper/vinegar (to that dish).
7. Don't put pepper in my soup please.
8. Turn off the TV, will you? / Turn the TV off for a little bit. / Turn the TV off for 20 minutes, you've watched it all day now.
9. Where have you unloaded the cargo? / We're planning to put the cargo into the warehouse.
直接說Has your cold gone?或者Has your fever gone?
You want to tell your mother you have a cold, and now it's all right, you can say 你想告訴媽媽你的感冒好了,現在沒事了,你可以說
我希望你感冒快點好起來 用英語怎麼說
如果你感冒了? 的英語。
If you catch a cold