父母的英文 父母用英語怎麼說?
parents n.父母;雙親;(parent的複數)
常用 權威
1. 父母官
father-mother official [a term for county magistrate]―officials serving the interests of the people
2. 敬愛父母
love and respect one's parents
3. 依從父母
be obedient to one's parents
4. 父母分居
separated parents
5. 想父母
miss one's parents
6. 侍奉父母
look after one's parents
7. 再生父母
one's second parent [said with gratitude to a person who has saved or spared one's life]—one's saviour
8. 事父母
wait upon one's parents
9. 直升機父母
helicopter parents
10. 依靠父母
rely on parents for support
11. 贍養父母
support one's parents
12. 單身父母
single parent; lone parent
13. 服侍父母
attend (to) one's parents
14. 父母離異
with one's parents divorced
15. 扶養父母
support one's parents
16. 衣食父母
those on whom one's livelihood depends; one's breadwinner
17. 生身父母
biological/birth/natural parents
18. 準備看望父母
intend to visit one's parents
19. 供養好父母
provide adequately for one's parents
20. 好心的父母
well-meaning parents
1. 他們可以幫助父母節省孩子的錢。
They may help parents save their children's money.
2. 學生們被引導如何愛他們的父母。
The students are guided on how to love their parents.
3. 我們有必要設身處地為父母著想。
It's necessary to put ourselves in parents' shoes.
4. 我父母出差了,所以我自己做飯。
My parents have been away on business, so I cook by myself.
5. 在家裡,他對他的父母喜怒無常。
At home, he is moody with his parents.
6. 他的父母穿戴著學士帽和學士服。
His parents wore caps and gowns.
7. 我父母告訴我要永遠誠實,我是。
My parents told me to always be truthful and I am.
8. 它沒有明確討論父母的過度分享。
It does not explicitly discuss oversharing by parents.
9. 他們不喜歡成為父母的掌上明珠。
They didn't like to be the apple of their parents' eyes.
10. 父母正在改變他們對教育的看法。
Parents are changing their minds about education.
父母(讀音: fù mǔ),常見詞語,意思是 意思是父親和母親,具有父親和母親作用的人, 出自“士庶有人善,本諸父母”。
陳曉東-父母 作曲:nao 作詞:陳曉東+陳曉東(整合古詩) 遊子身上衣心哀哀意恐遲遲歸 臨行密密縫報得三春暉寸草心…遊子吟 守事親義惟我可以解憂............孟子 年一則喜一則懼論語 斯愛亦愛所敬吾亦敬之........孔子 若命不易美惡不可移…呂氏春秋 斷長續短損有餘益不足 達愛敬之文而滋成行義之美..........荀子 仰不愧於天俯不怍於人.........孟子 您的教誨就是代表了我的佛 手以棉覆之 夜夢猶呻寒投於懷....龔自珍冬日小病寄家書作 甜柔深謐懷 別伊低徊愧溼眼枯…黃仲則別老母 守事親義惟我可以解憂........孟子 年一則喜一則懼論語 斯愛亦愛所敬吾亦敬之.....孔子 若命不易美惡不可移…呂氏春秋 傳說知者盡知其妄矣誰氏子 舉頭望清雲碧林歡聽慧鳥語 隨意人生為什更何求 您的輕盈永遠包圍我像巢窩 守事親義惟我可以解憂....孟子 年一則喜一則懼論語 斯愛亦愛所敬吾亦敬之......孔子 若命不易美惡不可移…呂氏春秋 斷長續短損有餘益不足 達愛敬之文而滋成行義之美....荀子 仰不愧於天俯不怍於人....孟子 您的教誨就是代表了您的我
名詞 father and mother; parents
1. 父母雙亡。
One's parents are both dead/deceased.
2. 父母分居
separated parents
3. 父母的責任
responsibilities/duties of parenthood