肉的英文 肉用英語怎麼說?
meat n.肉;食物;實質;主要部分;果肉;堅果仁;可食用部分
flesh n.肉;肉色;脂肪;肥肉;動物肉;魚肉;果肉;蔬菜嫩部;皮膚;體表
pulp n.漿;糊狀物;紙漿;牙髓;果肉;瓤;礦漿;通俗(或聳人聽聞)的劣質作品
spongy adj.像海綿的;多孔的;不穩固的
mushy adj.漿狀的;爛糊的;過分傷感的;失靈的;剎不住的;過分多愁善感的
slow-moving 流動緩慢;緩慢移動;緩慢流動
常用 權威
1. 羔羊肉
lamb [the meat]
2. 椰子肉
coconut meat/kernel
3. 一片肉
a slice of meat
4. 叉肉
harpoon up meat
5. 肉饅頭
steamed bun with meat stuffing
6. 煙燻肉
smoked meat; bacon
7. 癢癢肉
ticklish spot
8. 鮭魚肉中毒
salmon poisoning
9. 粗纖維肉
coarse-fibred meat
10. 叉燒肉
grilled pork
11. 牛眼肉
rib-eye; rib eye
12. 肉和蔬菜
meat and vegetables
13. 肥實的肉
fatty meat
14. 把肉切成塊
cut the meat into cubes
15. 剔排骨上的肉
pick meat from the ribs
16. 烤得恰到好處的肉
meat roasted to a turn
1. 午餐,我通常吃米飯、肉和蔬菜。
For lunch, I usually have rice, meat and vegetables.
2. 牛奶、肉和羊毛都來自這些動物。
Milk, meat and wool came from these animals.
3. 非洲人主要吃牛、雞和豬的肉。
Africans mainly eat meat from cows, chickens and pigs.
4. 研究人員調查了一節課對吃肉的影響。
The researchers investigated one class session's impact on eating meat.
5. 他們吃很多肉,喝鹹茶。
They eat a lot of meat and drink salty tea.
6. 中餐館提供帶骨的肉以滿足當地人的口味。
Chinese restaurants provide meat with bones to meet local people's tastes.
7. 他們的肉沒那麼受歡迎。
Their meat is not that popular.
8. 這是因為它們有時會被獵殺,來獲取肉或皮。
This is because they are sometimes hunted for their meat or their skin.
9. 沒有人重視這些可憐的鳥的生命或它們的肉。
Nobody places much value on the lives of these poor birds or on their meat.
10. 我的(冰箱)滿是剩菜、麵包、高湯、肉和魚。
Mine is filled with leftovers, bread, stock, meat and fish.
肉,脂肪含量較高 與蔬菜、水果併成為“每天三大營養素”,肉類包括畜肉、禽肉。畜肉有豬、牛、羊、兔肉等。禽肉有雞、鴨、鵝肉等。肉類含存豐富的蛋白質、脂肪和B族維生素、礦物質,是人類的重要食品。
《肉》是由保羅·莫里西執導,Maurice Braddell、John Christian、Geri Miller、Louis Waldon等主演的電影,於1968年9月26日在美國上映。 影片講述了毒品給人們帶來各種痛苦的故事。
名詞 meat; flesh
1. 這塊排骨上沒有多少肉。
There is not much meat on this piece of spare ribs.
2. 這肉發臭了。
The meat smells bad.
3. 這肉變質了。
The meat has gone bad.
4. 少吃肉多吃蔬菜
eat less meat but more vegetables
5. 生/熟肉
raw/cooked meat
6. 狗/馬肉
dog/horse meat
7. 凍/鮮肉
frozen/fresh meat
8. 剔肉
pick the meat off a bone
9. 燒肉
cook/do the meat
10. 絞/切肉
grind/chop meat
11. 燉肉
simmer the meat
12. 一片肉
a slice of meat
名詞 keeping fowls or domestic animals for their meat or flesh
名詞 pulp; flesh/meat (of fruit)
形詞 spongy; mushy
形詞 slow-moving