活動的英文 活動用英語怎麼說?
move about 走動;移動;到處旅行
exercise n.鍛鍊;運動;使用;運用;行使;練習;訓練;演習;習題;操練
wangle v.設法獲得;騙取
movable adj.可動的;活動的;動產的;每年變動的
mobile adj.移動的;移動式的;易移動的;活動的;與行動電話有關的;流動性強的;願意流動的
flexible adj.柔韌的;有彈性的;易彎曲的;靈活的;可變通的;適應力強的
activity n.狀況;活動;活性;行動;活度;行為;娛樂休閒活動;熱力活性
manoeuvre n.特技動作;熟練動作;手腦並用的動作;大型軍事演習;策略;計謀;花招;欺詐性操作
event n.事情;事件;大事;賽事;比賽專案;社交場合;公眾活動
常用 權威
1. 活動房
mobile/manufactured home; prefab house; prefabricated house
2. 活動家
activist; public figure
3. 營利性活動
profit-making activities
4. 節慶活動
festival activities
5. 閒暇活動
leisure time activity
6. 課外活動
extracurricular (activities); after-school activities
7. 公關活動
PR campaign
8. 競拍活動
auctioning activity
9. 集體活動
collective activities
10. 集資活動
fund-raising activity
11. 活動板房
prefab house; prefabricated house
12. 活動分子
13. 宗派活動
factional activities; sectarian activities
14. 反恐怖活動
antiterrorist activity
15. 活動床
adjustable bed
16. 消遣活動
recreational activities
17. 活動扳手
adjustable spanner; adjustable wrench
18. 進行活動
engage in activities
19. 活動筋骨
get some exercise; stretch oneself
20. 犯罪活動
criminal activity
1. 遊樂會和節日活動都會在那舉辦。
The fairs and festivals take place there.
2. 活動包括冒險、運動、戲劇等等!
Activities include adventure, sports, drama, and more!
3. 此次活動的目的是為新醫院籌款。
The purpose of this activity is to raise money for a new hospital.
4. 我們學校計劃開展一些教育活動。
Our school plans to have some educational activities.
5. 學生持身份證可以免費參加活動。
Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free.
6. 竹竿舞是他們的另一項重要活動。
Bamboo dancing is another important activity for them.
7. 釣魚是中年人最喜愛的活動之一。
Fishing is one of the most popular activities among the middle-aged people.
8. 這項活動將使團隊成員相互瞭解。
This activity will allow team members to learn about each other.
9. 它發生在人們做重複性的活動時。
It occurs when people are doing a repetitive activity.
10. 我們有很多課外活動你可以參加。
We have a lot of after-school activities you can join in.
活動(huó dòng),漢語詞語,泛指人或物體運動,也指靈活、不固定,還指為達到某種目的而從事的行動。
動詞 move about; exercise
1. 站起來活動活動
stand up and stretch oneself a bit
2. 賽前活動一下筋骨
limber up before the game
動詞 be rickety; be unsteady
1. 這顆牙活動了。
This tooth is loose.
2. 這把椅子活動了。
The chair is rickety.
形詞 movable; mobile; flexible
1. 經理的口氣有點兒活動了。
The manager sounded less adamant. / The manager began to relent a little.
2. 活動鉛筆
propelling pencil
名詞 activity; manoeuvre; event
1. 我們應當每天進行體育活動以增強體質。
We should do physical exercises every day to tone up our body.
2. 憑票入場的活動
a ticketed event
3. 秘密活動
secret activities
4. 集體活動
collective activities
5. 戶外活動
outdoor activities
6. 非法活動
illegal activities
7. 活動餘地
room for manoeuvre
動詞 use personal influence or irregular means; wangle
1. 他在為給兒子安排工作而活動。
He is trying to use his influence to get a job for his son.
2. 為晉升而四處活動
manoeuvre/jockey/canvass/lobby for one's promotion
3. 替某人活動
put in a word in sb's favour