汙染的英文 汙染用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-10-05



pollute v.汙染;敗壞;玷汙

contaminate v.使不純;汙染;弄髒;毒害

pollution n.汙染

contamination n.汙染;汙染物;弄髒;玷汙

常用 權威



1. 汙染物

pollutant; contaminant; contaminator

2. 汙染源

pollution source; source of pollution

3. 汙染區

contaminated zone

4. 微生物汙染

microbial contamination

5. 重金屬汙染

heavy metal contamination;heavy metal pollution

6. 有機汙染物

organic pollutants

7. 汙染地帶

contaminated zone

8. 視覺汙染

visual pollution

9. 文化汙染

cultural pollution

10. 細菌汙染

germ contamination; bacterial pollution

11. 越境汙染

trans-frontier pollution

12. 微粒汙染物

particulate pollutant

13. 輕微汙染

be slightly polluted; slight pollution

14. 土壤汙染

soil pollution;soil pollution/contamination

15. 農藥汙染

pesticide pollution;pesticide pollution; agricultural chemical pollution

16. 減輕汙染

reduce pollution

17. 旅遊汙染

tourist pollution

18. 空氣汙染

air pollution

19. 食品汙染

food contamination

20. 資訊汙染

information pollution; info pollution


1. 交通已經成為空氣汙染的近義詞。

Traffic has become synonymous with air pollution.

2. 汙染地區的水和莊稼會讓人生病。

Water and crops in polluted areas can make people very sick.

3. 相反,\騎車上班\可降低汙染

Conversely, \cycle to work\ days have done their job by creating pollution lows.

4. 欺騙是我們有毒汙染的真正原因。

Cheating is the real cause of our toxic pollution.

5. 氣候變化會導致空氣汙染和疾病。

Climate change will cause air pollution and diseases.

6. 這種酶會汙染大面積的土地和水。

The enzyme will pollute large areas of land and water.

7. 該報告包括室內和室外空氣汙染

The report includes both indoor and outdoor air pollution.

8. 它們嚴重汙染了鳥類過冬的地方。

They have seriously polluted the places where birds spend winter.

9. 它可能會嚴重汙染周圍的水域。

It could badly pollute the surrounding waters.

10. 它正在汙染數百萬英畝的農田。

It is polluting millions of acres of cropland.





《汙染》,義大利、西德電影,Luigi Cozzi導演,Ian McCulloch、露易絲·瑪魯、Marino Mas主演。



動詞 pollute; contaminate

1. 水受到汙染,不宜飲用。

The contamination of water made it unfit to drink.

2. 水井被附近工廠排出的廢物汙染了。

The well was defiled by the refuse of the factories nearby.

3. 汙染水域

polluted waters

4. 汙染地帶

contaminated zone

5. 汙染水源

pollute/contaminate the water sources

6. 汙染食物

contaminate food

7. 汙染社會風氣

debase the social morals

8. 汙染空氣

pollute/contaminate/foul the air

9. 汙染環境

pollute the environment; contaminate the surroundings

10. 汙染河流

pollute/contaminate/taint a river

名詞 pollution; contamination

1. 核武器的使用會造成嚴重的放射性汙染。

The use of nuclear weapons produces a high level of radioactive contamination.

2. 重金屬汙染

heavy metal pollution

3. 無汙染殺蟲劑

pollution-free pesticide

4. 噪聲汙染

noise/sound pollution

5. 土壤汙染

soil pollution

6. 水源汙染

contamination/pollution of the water sources

7. 水汙染

water pollution/contamination

8. 視覺汙染

visual pollution

9. 飄塵汙染

floating/airborne dust pollution

10. 農藥汙染

pesticide pollution

11. 空氣汙染

air pollution/contamination

12. 精神/文化汙染

spiritual/cultural pollution

13. 環境汙染

environmental pollution

14. 化學汙染

chemical pollution

15. 海洋汙染

marine pollution

16. 工業粉塵汙染

industrial dust pollution

17. 二次汙染

secondary pollution

18. 地下水汙染

underground water pollution

19. 大氣汙染

atmospheric pollution; pollution of the atmosphere

20. 白色汙染

white pollution

21. 清除毒氣汙染

clean up the toxic pollution

22. 控制汙染

curb/control pollution

23. 減輕汙染

reduce pollution

24. 關心環境汙染

be concerned about environmental pollution

25. 防止汙染

avoid/prevent pollution/contamination
