自己的英文 自己用英語怎麼說?
oneself pron.自己;親自;本人
closely related 密切相關
常用 權威
1. 自己看不起自己
despise oneself
2. 自己騙自己
deceive one's own heart
3. 自己做主
master in one's own house
4. 自己兄弟
one's own brothers
5. 妝飾自己
dress oneself up
6. 自己人
people on one's own side; one of us
7. 把握自己
control oneself
8. 自己家裡
one's own family
9. 對自己的意圖秘而不宣
keep one's intentions to oneself
10. 對自己的行為負責
be responsible for one's action
11. 給自己扇扇子
fan oneself
12. 為自己分辯
defend oneself
13. 喜歡顯露自己
love showing off
14. 急於表現自己
be anxious to show off
15. 怨自己記性差
complain of one's bad memory
16. 跟自己過不去
be too hard on oneself
17. 吹噓自己富有
boast of one's wealth
18. 只能怪自己
have only oneself to blame
19. 為自己遮醜
whitewash oneself
20. 慶幸自己脫險
bless oneself from danger
1. 每個群體都有自己的文化和傳統。
Each group has its own culture and traditions.
2. 這讓他們更加在意自己所說的話。
It has made them care more about what they say.
3. 因為他想念自己遠在美國的母親。
Because he missed his mom far in the United States.
4. 在課程開始前,先讓自己靜音吧!
Before the lesson starts, mute yourself!
5. 他們發現控制自己的情緒很容易。
They found it easy to control their emotions.
6. 他們通常對自己的飲食習慣保密。
They usually keep their eating habits a secret.
7. 不要在郵件末尾簽上自己的名字。
Do not sign your own name at the end of the email.
8. 我父母出差了,所以我自己做飯。
My parents have been away on business, so I cook by myself.
9. 他拒絕接受捐款,決定自己賺錢。
He refused to accept donation money and decided to make money by himself.
10. 老實說,我認為自己不會被錄取。
I honestly don't think I'm going to be admitted.
自己釋義自身、本身。出自《南史·隱逸傳下·陶弘景》:“初, 弘景母夢青龍無尾,自己昇天。” [唐]蔣貽恭 《詠蝦蟆》:“坐臥兼行總一般,向人努眼太無端,欲知自己形骸小,試就蹄涔照影看。” [明]李贄《雜說》:“奪他人之酒杯,澆自己之壘塊。”
《自己》是由曹軒賓作曲,苟慶填詞,曹軒賓編曲,何炅演唱的一首歌曲。其MV由21東方唱片公司製作,主要演員:何炅,李晟, 彭宇。
代詞 oneself
1. 自己動手,豐衣足食。
Get ample food and clothing through self-reliance.
2. 也怪他自己不好,沒把話講明。
He is also to blame for not having made himself clear.
3. 她自己做飯。
She cooks herself.
4. 他自己知道該怎麼做。
He himself knows what to do.
5. 只能怪自己
have only oneself to blame
6. 生自己的氣
be angry with oneself
7. 自己做主
be master of one's own affairs
8. 自己打自己嘴巴
slap one's own face; contradict oneself
代詞 one's own; closely related
1. 自己兄弟
one's own brothers
2. 自己家裡
one's own family