靠近的英文 靠近用英語怎麼說?
close adj.近的;接近的;靠近的;直系(尤指父母;兄弟姐妹)的;密切的;周全的;潮溼的;氣悶的;接近;緊密的
near adv.近;在附近;不久;很快;近乎;差不多;幾乎
draw near 靠近;臨近;走進
approach v.接近;靠近;找…商談;找… 商量;向…接洽;著手處理;臨近(未來時刻;未來事件);臨近;數量(或質量)上接近(某一數字;某種水平
常用 權威
1. 切勿靠近
keep off
2. 向敵艇靠近
approach the enemy ship
3. 靠近公路的田野
field adjacent to the highway
1. 在你起跳的頂部,膝蓋靠近胸部。
At the top of your jump, bring the knees to the chest.
2. 靠近汽車,他注意到有五位老太太。
Getting closer to the car, he noticed that there were five old ladies.
3. 這些動物經常靠近岸邊進食。
The animals often feed close to shore.
4. 7%的人根本不會靠近爐子。
7% won't go near the stove at all.
5. 相反,靠近物體的感覺可以減輕孤獨感。
In turn, feeling close to objects can alleviate loneliness.
6. 這個浮動城市將靠近法屬波利尼西亞的海岸。
This floating city will be near French Polynesia's shore.
7. 我們靠近彼此,哭了。
We stayed close to one another and cried.
8. 只要我足夠靠近,就沒有罪犯能從我身邊逃脫。
As long as I get close enough, no criminal can escape from me.
9. 還有一些人可能只是喜歡待在戶外,靠近植物。
Still others may simply enjoy being outdoors and close to plants.
10. 當她指著靠近窗戶的角落時,她的聲音柔和而自信。
Her voice was soft but confident as she pointed to the corner near the windows.
【英譯Near;By;Close to;Approach;Draw near】
動詞 close; near
1. 他的房間靠近廁所。
His room is close to the restroom.
2. 靠近那家酒店有一個超級市場。
There's a supermarket near the hotel.
3. 靠近公路的田野
field adjacent to the highway
動詞 draw near; approach
1. 偵察員偷偷地向敵人靠近。
The scouts moved towards/approached the enemy by stealth.
2. 船向岸邊靠近。
The boat is drawing close to the shore.
3. 向敵艇靠近
approach the enemy ship