暫時的英文 暫時用英語怎麼說?
temporarily adv.臨時地;暫時地
for the time being 暫時;眼下
常用 權威
1. 暫時性麻痺
temporary paralysis
2. 暫時借用
borrow for a short time
3. 暫時停產
suspend production
4. 暫時停電
temporary shut-off of electricity
5. 暫時停課
suspend school classes
6. 暫時停刊
suspend publication;suspend publication
7. 暫時失勢
temporary loss of power
8. 暫時的安排
tentative arrangement
9. 暫時的勝利
momentary triumph
10. 暫時的現象
transient phenomenon
11. 應納稅暫時性差異
taxable temporary differences
12. 暫時吊銷執照
suspend a licence
13. 暫時擱置議案
shelve a bill
14. 暫時的需要
temporary needs
1. 這會暫時
This temporarily lowers carbon-carrying capacity.
2. 它會導致暫時性聽力喪失。
It causes temporary hearing loss.
3. 它們只能帶來暫時的快樂。
They can bring only temporary pleasures.
4. 與環境的暫時聯絡對它們的生存至關重要。
Temporal connection to the environment was vital to their survival.
5. 7月29日,他們放鬆了一下,至少暫時放鬆了一會兒。
On July 29th they were relieved, at least temporarily.
6. 它會發出震耳欲聾的聲音,非常痛苦,會使人暫時失去能力。
It produces a deafening sound so painful that it temporarily disables a person.
7. 透過回覆電子郵件或瀏覽網頁,我可以輕鬆地暫時擺脫不適。
I could easily escape discomfort, temporarily, by answering email or browsing the web.
8. 因發生事故車輛暫時禁止通行。
Passage of vehicles is suspended due to an accident.
9. 由於擔心時疫蔓延,學校暫時停課。
School classes were suspended for fear of spread of the epidemic.
10. 我們相信困難暫時被克服了。
We believe that for the moment the difficulty is tided over.
拼音:zàn shí 注音符號:ㄓㄢˋ ㄕˊ 近義詞:臨時、暫且、短暫 反義詞:長久 長遠 造句:他暫時不能來上學了。 商鋪因內部維修,暫時停止營業 。 基本解釋: [temporarily] 短時間內。
副詞 temporarily; for the time being; for the present/moment
1. 因發生事故車輛暫時禁止通行。
Passage of vehicles is suspended due to an accident.
2. 暫時只好這樣安排。
This arrangement will have to do pro tem.
3. 暫時停課
suspend school classes
4. 暫時停刊
suspend publication
5. 暫時借用
borrow for a short time
6. 暫時吊銷執照
suspend a licence
7. 暫時的需要
temporary needs
8. 暫時的現象
transient phenomenon
9. 暫時的安排
tentative arrangement