在旁邊的英文 在旁邊用英語怎麼說?
aside adv.到一邊;在旁邊;除去;以備未來之用;撇開
aboard adv. & prep.在船上;在…上;騎在上;跨上;新入夥;在壘上
beside prep.在…旁邊;在… 附近;緊靠;除…以外;與…相比
常用 重點詞彙
1. 你也來參加吧,不要光站在旁邊看熱鬧。
Don’t just stand by and watch. Come and join us.
2. 千真萬確,他當時就站在旁邊。
He was standing nearby, large as life.
3. 爐火熱得使站在旁邊的人感到發燙。
The fire was hot enough to roast anyone who stood close to it.
4. 在旁邊你會看到一些標題和連結。
Along the side you will see some titles and links.
5. 我可以一直在旁邊飛過杜鵑鳥的巢
I could've been next to fly over the cuckoo's nest
6. 下劃線,畫圓圈,在旁邊做筆記。
Underline, circle, makemargin notes
7. 我們在吃草,羊在旁邊的地裡。
We are grazing , the sheep in the next field.
8. 孩子看電視時最好家長在旁邊指導。
When the child is watching TV, the parents had better instruct beside him.
9. 鉨站在旁邊, 手放在皒肩上.
You stand aside. Your hand on my shoulder.
10. 你得隨時有救生員在旁邊看護著你.
There should be a lifeguard to watch over you at all times.
aside; aboard; beside