停的英文 停用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2025-02-18


stop v.結束;停止;填塞;處於;表現;停下來;阻擋;總是;中止

cease v.停止;終止;使(某行動)結束

halt v.使突然停止;突然停止;跛行;停止行進

pause n.暫停;中止;停頓;延長符號;暫停鍵

stop over 中途停留

stay v.停留;留下;保持;維持;暫住;逗留;停止;延緩;防止;暫緩執行;支援;擁護;支撐;用支索支撐;用牽索固定

settled adj.穩定的;固定的

ready adj.準備就緒的;易得的;伸手可及的;需要;願意的;有可能的;迅速的;樂意的;敏捷的;隨時準備好的

portion n.一部分;一定數量;一節;一片;一份;一(人)份;一份財產;命運;天數;嫁妝

常用 權威



1. 招手停

minibus which stops on request

2. 汙水停瀦

stagnation of waste water


1. 你可以把車在街道的兩邊。

You can park your car on either side of the street.

2. 警方說,這輛車在撞上標杆後了下來。

Police said that the car had come to a halt after hitting the sign.

3. 他認為它可能受傷了,他把車了下來,看了看。

He thought it might be injured, he parked the car and had a look.

4. 把你手頭的事一下,聽我說。

Stop what you are doing and listen to me.

5. 她了一會兒,又接著講下去。

She paused a little before going on with the story.

6. 摩托車嚓的一聲在我面前。

The motorcycle screeched to a stop before me.

7. 這條船在港口了好幾天了。

The ship has been lying at anchor in the harbour for quite a few days.

8. 看架勢這雨一下子還不了。

There is no sign that the rain will soon stop. / The rain is not expected to let up soon.

9. 列車在小站只了兩分鐘。

The train stopped at the station for only two minutes.

10. 他將汽車減速後了下來。

He slowed the car down and stopped.


《停》(Days and 40 Nights)是由麥克·勒曼執導,Rob Perez擔任編劇,喬什·哈奈特、莎妮·索薩蒙、保羅·卡斯坦佐、亞當·崔斯主演的喜劇愛情電影,於2002年3月1日在美國上映。 該片講述了屢屢遭遇失敗愛情的馬特(喬什·哈奈特 飾)決定40天內不近女色,卻遇到他夢中的完美女孩艾瑞卡(莎妮·索薩蒙 飾)的故事。



動詞 stop; cease; halt; pause

1. 雨停了。

The rain has stopped.

2. 她停了一會兒,又接著講下去。

She paused a little before going on with the story.

3. 他們不停地幹活。

They kept on working. / They worked on without cease.

4. 把你手頭的事停一下,聽我說。

Stop what you are doing and listen to me.

5. 停發工資是這家公司的處罰方式之一。

Stoppage of pay is one of the company's punishments.

6. 停下來休息

halt for a rest

7. 停下來吃午飯

stop for lunch

8. 停下來喘口氣

pause for breath

9. 停下腳步

stop walking

動詞 stop over; stay

1. 我在杭州停了三天,才去上海。

I'd stopped over at Hangzhou for three days before I went on to Shanghai.

2. 列車在小站只停了兩分鐘。

The train stopped at the station for only two minutes.

動詞 park (a car); berth (a ship); place (a dead body or coffin)

1. 這條船在港口停了好幾天了。

The ship has been lying at anchor in the harbour for quite a few days.

2. 違停鎖車。

Unauthorized or illegal parked vehicles will be wheel-clamped.

3. 船停在江心,沒有靠岸。

The ship anchored in the middle of the river and did not pull in to the bank.

4. 車停在大門前。

A car is parked in front of the gate.

形詞 settled; ready

量詞 part (of a total); portion

1. 五停兒蘋果有三停兒是壞的。

Three out of five apples are rotten. / Three-fifths of the apples are rotten.

2. 三停兒去了兩停兒,還剩一停兒。

When two thirds are taken away, there is only one third left.

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