尤其的英文 尤其用英語怎麼說?
particularly adv.特別;尤其;異乎尋常地;特別地;明確地;特別是
especially adv.尤其;特別;格外;專門地;在很大程度上;很;非常
in particular 尤其, 特別
常用 權威
1. 尤其強調
stress sth in particular
2. 尤其重要
be even more important
3. 尤其引人注目
gain a special interest
1. 鍛鍊有很多好處,尤其是在早上。
There are a lot of benefits to working out, especially in the mornings.
2. 她一直想著農場,尤其是動物。
She thought about the farm all the time, especially the animals.
3. 尤其是這條河的中華白鱘已經滅絕了。
Especially, the river's Chinese paddlefish (白鱘) has died out.
4. 對你的親密朋友和家人來說尤其
This is especially true for your close friends and family.
5. 醫生尤其容易產生決策疲勞。
Medical doctors are especially susceptible to decision fatigue.
6. 他還喜歡和別人開玩笑,尤其是馬丁!
He also likes to play jokes on others, especially Martin!
7. 布鞋在明代開始流行,尤其是在四川省。
Cloth shoes became popular during the Ming Dynasty, especially in Sichuan province.
8. 在戰時,程式碼尤其重要。
In wartime, codes are especially important.
9. 我唯一不喜歡的就是這些食物,尤其是香腸。
The only thing I didn't like is the food, especially the sausages.
10. 輸了當然令人失望,尤其是當你快要贏的時候。
Of course it's disappointing to lose, especially if you are close to winning.
尤其是網路劇《上癮》中的角色,尤其經常穿著一件格子衫,喜歡聽音樂,但有鼻炎,經常流鼻涕,鋒芒一中的校草、喜歡白洛因,與顧海是情敵。 尤其由於自己特別的名字和楊猛結識,熱衷於欺負楊猛,學生時期因誤會白洛因送他一卷衛生紙而對其產生暗戀。 尤其由林楓松飾演。
副詞 particularly; especially; in particular
1. 吸菸有害健康,尤其是對心臟不好。
Smoking is harmful to one's health, especially to one's heart.
2. 我喜歡喝茶,尤其是綠茶。
I prefer drinking tea, green tea in particular.
3. 我不會去傷害他,尤其不會去背後搗他的鬼。
I wouldn't do anything to hurt him and least of all would I play dirty tricks behind his back.
4. 尤其重要
be even more important
5. 尤其引人注目
gain a special interest
6. 尤其喜歡
have a special liking (for); bear a great liking (for)
7. 尤其強調
stress sth in particular
8. 對化學尤其感興趣
cherish a special interest in chemistry