蒼白的英文 蒼白用英語怎麼說?
pale adj.淺的;淡的;淡薄的;蒼白的;軟弱的;較差的
colourless adj.無色的;無特色的;無趣味的;不生動的;蒼白的;顏色暗淡的
pallid adj.蒼白的;慘淡的;無力的
feeble adj.虛弱的;衰弱的;乏力的;無力的;微弱的;不清楚的;弱的;軟弱的;不能給人留下印象的;不具說服力的
wan abbr.(WAN)廣域網
flat adj.光滑均勻的;平整的;缺少興趣的;平板的;了無生氣的;沉悶的;固定不變的;降音的;無障礙平地賽馬的;平坦的
常用 權威
1. 蒼白如紙
as white as sheet
2. 面色蒼白
look pale
3. 臉頰蒼白
pale cheeks
4. 論據蒼白無力
feeble argument
5. 嚇得臉色蒼白
go white with fright
1. 他看起來臉色蒼白,但他沒有哭。
He looked very pale, but he didn't cry.
2. 僱主注意到年輕人蒼白的雙手。
The employer noticed the young man's pale hands.
3. 他的面色變得像死人一樣蒼白。
He looks as if he were dead.
4. 小說中的人物形象蒼白無力。
The images created in the novel are rather colourless.
5. 他看上去臉色很蒼白,似乎吃了不少苦頭。
He looked very pale and seemed to have suffered a great deal.
6. 他臉色蒼白,怕是病了。
I’m afraid he is ill for he looks pale.
7. 他愈來愈瘦削而蒼白了。
He grew gaunt and pallid.
8. 她嚇得臉色蒼白。
She turned pale with fear. / Her face was colourless from fright. / Her face was lurid with fear.
9. 有幾個人,臉色蒼白、表情痛苦。
A few people, their faces grey and bitter.
10. 透過樹葉的光線顯得蒼白、微弱。
The light that filtered through the leaves was pale, subaqueous.
《蒼白》(Livide)又名《死色》,是由亞歷山大·布斯蒂羅、朱利安·莫利聯合執導並擔任編劇,傑瑞米·卡彭、卡瑟琳·雅各布、瑪麗-克勞德·皮塔卡拉等主演的恐怖電影,於2011年12月7日在法國上映。 該片講述了護工露西·克萊沃和朋友本(傑瑞米·卡彭 飾)在深夜潛入傳說藏著寶貝的荒野別墅,卻驚人地發現那裡除了植物人博拉·傑塞爾(瑪麗-克勞德·皮塔卡拉 飾)外,還有其他秘密的故事。 2012年,該片獲第16屆富川國際奇幻電影節富川選擇獎最佳電影長片提名。
形詞 pale; colourless; pallid; feeble; wan
1. 她嚇得臉色蒼白。
She turned pale with fear. / Her face was colourless from fright. / Her face was lurid with fear.
2. 他的面色變得像死人一樣蒼白。
He looks as if he were dead.
3. 蒼白如紙
as white as sheet
形詞 (of writing, argument, etc) lifeless; flat; empty and weak
1. 小說中的人物形象蒼白無力。
The images created in the novel are rather colourless.
2. 論據蒼白無力
feeble argument