建造的英文 建造用英語怎麼說?
build v.建築;建造;加強;安裝;固定;增大;委託(或提供資金;監管)建造;使成為組成部分;編;被編
construct v.建築;建造;建立;構築;構成;組成;形成;造;作
常用 權威
1. 建造鐵路
build a railroad
2. 建造導彈
build missiles
3. 一級建造師
first-grade registered constructor
4. 建造框架
construct a frame
5. 建造醫院
build a hospital
6. 建造航母
build an aircraft carrier;build an aircraft carrier
7. 建造房屋
build houses
8. 建造港口
construct a harbour
9. 建造新街道
lay down a new street
10. 包工建造房屋
contract to build a house
11. 建造高速公路
construct an expressway
12. 建造辦公大樓
erect an office block
1. 他們成功地建造了一個太空花園。
They have successfully built a space garden.
2. 樹木為建造房屋和傢俱提供木材。
Trees provide wood to build homes and furniture.
3. 他開始為螞蟻建造房屋和遊樂場。
He started creating houses and playgrounds for ants.
4. 他們建造了一個新的游泳中心。
They built a new swimming centre.
5. 它使用油漆來建造抗汙染影象。
It uses paint to create anti-pollution images.
6. 它沒有專門為左撇子建造設施。
It has not built facilities specially for the left-handed.
7. 嘉陵江上的另一座橋是去年建造的。
Another bridge over the Jialing River was built last year.
8. 該生態屋是用天然材料建造的。
The eco-house is made of natural materials.
9. 它們是用不那麼昂貴的材料建造的。
They were built with less costly materials.
10. 次年,他們建造了一座大樓。
They created a building the next year.
建造(英文:build),讀音為jiàn zào,漢語詞語。指的是興建;建築,也指確立制定。例句有“這次會議體現了這一設想,因為我們大家正齊心協力建造美中兩國相互理解和夥伴關係的新橋樑”。 相關近義詞有修葺、修築、興辦。相關反義詞有毀壞、摧毀、拆卸。
動詞 build; construct
1. 這家酒店是模仿歐洲的樣式建造的。
This hotel was built after a European model.
2. 這房子是用木頭建造的。
The house was constructed out of wood. / The house was built of wood.
3. 新的摩天大樓正在建造中。
A new skyscraper is under construction. / A new skyscraper is in the course of construction.
4. 建造鐵路
build a railroad
5. 建造航母
build an aircraft carrier
6. 建造高速公路
construct an expressway
7. 建造房屋
build houses
8. 建造辦公大樓
erect an office block