結論的英文 結論用英語怎麼說?
conclusion n.結束;終結;結尾;結論;推論;推斷;總結;結束語;訂立;締結
verdict n.裁定;判斷;意見
常用 權威
1. 遽下結論
jump to a hasty conclusion
2. 結論確當
fitting conclusion
3. 引出結論
draw a conclusion
4. 靠不住的結論
precarious conclusion
5. 確定的結論
an incontestable conclusion
6. 草率的結論
hasty conclusion
7. 合理的結論
rational conclusion
8. 得出如下結論
draw the following conclusion
9. 從前提推出結論
deduce a conclusion from premises
10. 推論出錯誤的結論
deduce a wrong conclusion
11. 從事實中歸納出結論
generalize a conclusion from facts
1. 作者的結論是,個人的努力遠遠不夠。
The author concludes that individual efforts are far from sufficient.
2. 他們的結論與他們最初的假設不一致。
Their conclusions do not correspond to their original hypotheses.
3. 其他系統評價支援她的結論。
Other systematic reviews support her conclusions.
4. 傾向於匆忙下結論。
Tendency to jump to conclusions.
5. 最終的結論是如何最好地避免它或它的傳播程度。
The final conclusion is how it can be best avoided or the extent to which it has spread.
6. 這一結論在對工業化社會中數字兒童的研究中得到了呼應。
This conclusion is echoed by work with anumeric children in industrialized societies.
7. 這是巴塞羅那全球健康機構所領導的一項研究的主要結論。
This is the main conclusion of a study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.
8. 儘管竊聽審判已作出結論,但是更廣泛的誠信缺失問題仍然存在。
As the hacking trial concludes, the wider issue of dearth of integrity still stands.
9. 在對自己及其他更多的研究進行分析時,普林斯坦博士得出了另一個結論。
In analyzing his and other research, Dr. Prinstein came to another conclusion.
10. David Graddol得出結論,單語英語畢業生面臨著黯淡的經濟前景。
David Graddol concludes that monoglot English graduates face a bleak economic future.
【詞目】結論 【拼音】jiélùn 【英譯】[conclusion,consequence,result] 從邏輯學來看,結論是從一定的前提推論得到的結果,對事物做出的總結性判斷 。
名詞 conclusion (of a syllogism)
名詞 conclusion; verdict