口袋的英文 口袋用英語怎麼說?
pocket n.衣袋;小塊;腰包;袋子;錢袋;兜;袋;檯球袋;個人的經濟狀況;孤立群體
bag n.包;袋子;全部獵物;袋;老惡婆;醜婆娘;松垂的褲子;愛好;品味
sack n.麻袋;布袋;厚紙袋;塑膠袋;大袋;寬鬆的衣服;床;開除;解僱;壘;擒抱樞紐前衛;洗劫;劫掠;薩克葡萄酒
常用 權威
1. 一套口袋書
a set of pocketbooks
2. 口袋布
sack cloth
3. 一隻口袋
a pocket
4. 一條口袋
a sack
5. 一本口袋書
a pocketbook
6. 一口袋貝殼
a pocketful of shells
7. 面口袋
flour sack
8. 一口袋蘋果
a bag of apples
9. 口袋襯裡
pocket lining
10. 掏空口袋
empty one's pockets
11. 口袋否決
pocket veto
12. 臀部的口袋
hip pocket
13. 鼓鼓囊囊的口袋
bulging pocket
14. 把口袋翻出來
turn the pocket inside out
1. 他發現口袋裡的60英鎊不見了。
He found the 60 pounds in his pocket missing.
2. 事實上,很多小孩口袋裡都會裝一個。
In fact plenty of younger kids have one in their pocket.
3. 查理離開花園前,把碎片放進了口袋。
Charlie put the broken pieces into his pocket before he left the garden.
4. 口袋裡有一把鑰匙。
There is a key in the pocket.
5. 我口袋裡的第二塊糖聽起來不再是個好主意了。
The second piece of candy in my pocket didn't sound like a good idea any more.
6. 我找到了奶奶的錢包,把25美分硬幣放進了我的口袋。
I found Grandma's wallet and put the quarter in my pocket.
7. 於是我們掏空了口袋,所有的錢加起來一共3.28美元。
So we emptied our pockets, and all our money added up to $3.28.
8. 約翰站在那裡,兩手插在口袋裡。
John stood there, hands in pockets.
9. 他把手探進口袋,摸出一把糖來。
He dipped his hand into his pocket and fished out a handful of sweets.
10. 他把口袋裡的零碎兒都掏出來。
He clawed all the oddments out of his pocket.
“口袋”(kǒu dài ),縫在衣服上用以裝東西的袋形部分;用布、皮等做成的裝東西的用具;比喻類似口袋的包圍圈;指錢包。語出《兒女英雄傳》第二回:“從此衙門內外人人抱怨,不說老爺清廉,倒道老爺呆氣,都盼老爺高升,說:‘再要作下去,大家可就都紮上口袋嘴兒了!’”
名詞 pocket
1. 約翰站在那裡,兩手插在口袋裡。
John stood there, hands in pockets.
2. 一口袋貝殼
a pocketful of shells
3. 口袋襯裡
pocket lining
4. 外衣/褲子口袋
coat/trousers pocket
5. 胸前的口袋
breast/chest pocket
6. 鼓鼓囊囊的口袋
bulging pocket
7. 臀部的口袋
hip pocket
8. 裝滿口袋
fill/stuff one's pocket
9. 掏空口袋
empty one's pockets
10. 翻遍口袋找鑰匙
go through all one's pockets looking for one's key
11. 一隻口袋
a pocket
名詞 bag; sack
1. 一口袋蘋果
a bag of apples
2. 面口袋
flour sack
3. 帆布口袋
canvas/duck sack
4. 口袋布
sack cloth
5. 一條口袋
a sack