隱藏的英文 隱藏用英語怎麼說?
hide v.藏;隱藏;隱蔽;掩飾;躲藏;遮掩;保密;躲避
lie up 進船塢停駛;退役
conceal v.隱藏;隱蔽;掩藏;掩蓋;隱瞞
cover v.蓋;覆蓋;遮蓋;處理;涉及;包括;論及;足以支付;夠支付;掩蓋;掩飾;用槍瞄準;蓋打;轉錄;翻錄;模仿演唱;與…交配
常用 權威
1. 隱藏處
hiding place; hideout
2. 隱藏檔案
hidden file
3. 隱藏醜事
conceal the disgrace
4. 隱藏儲備
hidden reserve
5. 隱藏心事
hide one's state of mind
6. 隱藏秘密
conceal a secret
7. 隱藏式供暖
concealed heating
8. 隱藏真相
conceal the truth
9. 隱藏證據
conceal evidence
10. 隱藏的敵人
hidden enemy
11. 隱藏在樹叢裡
hide among the trees
12. 隱藏在山裡
lie up in the mountains
1. 而且它們還能隱藏
And they can also hide dirt and wear.
2. 它的頂部隱藏在火山煙霧中。
Its top is hidden in clouds of volcanic smoke.
3. 也許他有點可親…以一種隱藏的方式。
Maybe he was kind of sweet … in a hidden sort of way.
4. 這意味著作品中隱藏著更小的圖片和故事。
This means smaller pictures and stories are hidden in the works.
5. 繼續努力,你可能會驚奇地發現自己隱藏的才能。
Keep trying, and you might surprisingly find hidden abilities within you.
6. 最成功的君主國努力放棄或隱藏他們古老的貴族作風。
The most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways.
7. 音樂還可以幫你解決許多其他隱藏在背後的健康問題。
Music could also be helping you with many other health problems behind the scenes.
8. 此外,來自地球深處的地熱可能會溫暖這個隱藏的湖泊。
In addition, geothermal heat from deep within the Earth may warm the hidden lake.
9. 你可以透過讓每個單詞的前幾個字母拼出來來隱藏資訊。
You can hide a message by having the first letters of each word spell it out.
10. 海關官員截獲了大批隱藏的毒品。
Customs officials have netted large caches of drugs.
[remain under cover;hide;conceal]
隱藏(hide)是一種檔案屬性,擁有這種屬性的檔案叫做“隱藏檔案”,隱藏檔案在預設設定下不能在Windows資源管理器中顯示(部分Windows系統的資源管理器在狀態列上會顯示“*個物件(加*個隱藏物件)”),如果不做特殊設定就不能進行操作。 隱藏檔案一般都是保護系統關鍵檔案所用,如果想保護一個私人檔案只用隱藏屬性一般是沒有作用的。
動詞 hide; lie up; conceal; cover
1. 隱藏在心裡的想法
idea lurked in one's/sb's mind
2. 隱藏的秘密
dark/secret mystery
3. 隱藏處
hiding place; hideout
4. 隱藏在樹叢裡
hide among the trees
5. 隱藏在山裡
lie up in the mountains
6. 將秘密隱藏在心底
have a secret safely locked in one's heart
7. 隱藏證據
conceal evidence
8. 隱藏真面目
put on/assume/wear a mask
9. 隱藏心事
hide one's state of mind
10. 隱藏逃犯
shelter/harbour an escaped criminal
11. 隱藏實情
veil a fact (from public knowledge)
12. 隱藏秘密
conceal a secret
13. 隱藏醜事
conceal the disgrace