手術的英文 手術用英語怎麼說?
surgery n.外科;外科學;手術;診所;門診;接待時間
常用 權威
1. 手術剪
surgical scissors
2. 手術刀
scalpel; surgeon's knife
3. 手術檯
operating table
4. 手術燈
operating lamp
5. 手術室
operating room
6. 手術死亡率
operative mortality rate
7. 搶救手術
emergency surgical operation
8. 切除手術
surgical resection
9. 人流手術
abortion operation
10. 微創手術
keyhole surgery; laparoscopy; minimally invasive surgery; minimal access surgery
11. 絕育手術
sterilization operation
12. 美容手術
cosmetic surgery
13. 胸部手術
thoracic operation
14. 一臺手術
an operation
15. 矯正手術
corrective surgery
16. 開顱手術
brain surgery
17. 矯形手術
orthopaedic operation/treatment
18. 牙科手術
dental surgery
19. 手術衣
operating coat
20. 手術包
surgical kit
1. 醫生們進行了手術並取出了骨頭。
Doctors performed surgery and removed the bone.
2. 為了追求美麗而接受整形手術。
Undergoing plastic surgeries in pursuit of beauty.
3. 長時間握著手術刀使他的手指變形了。
Holding the surgeon's knife for such a long time deformed his fingers.
4. 手術需要花費那麼多時間。
The operation needs that much time.
5. 在牙科手術中,大部分時間感覺不到疼痛。
The pain isn't felt most of the time in dental surgeries(牙科手術).
6. 好訊息是手術並不困難。
The good news is that the operation is not difficult.
7. \微笑列車\的醫生做手術的報酬總是很高。
Doctors in Smile Train are always well paid for doing the operations.
8. 他們別無選擇,只能問問可否在手術後付賬。
They had no choice but to ask if they could pay the bill after the operation.
9. 簡單的手術進展順利,這名婦女已經完全康復。
The simple procedure went smoothly and the woman has recovered fully.
10. 他因受傷做了手術。
He had an operation for his injury.
手術,指醫生用醫療器械對病人身體進行的切除、縫合等治療,以刀、剪、針等器械在人體區域性進行的操作,以外力方式排除病變、改變構造或植入外來物的處理過程。 手術的目的是醫治或診斷疾病,如去除病變組織、修復損傷、移植器官、改善機體的功能和形態等。一般情況下,完成手術前置作業後,多先使用刀子或剪刀劃開皮膚,因而俗稱開刀。
名詞 (surgical) operation; surgery
1. 醫生將為他施行肺癌切除手術。
The surgeon will perform an operation on him for cancer of the lung.
2. 他必須動一次手術。
He has to submit to an operation.
3. 整形手術
plastic/cosmetic surgery
4. 無痛手術
painless surgery
5. 胃部手術
operation on the stomach
6. 大/小手術
major/minor operation
7. 手術衣
operating coat
8. 手術器械
surgical instrument
9. 手術療法
operative treatment
10. 手術口罩
surgical mask
11. 接受手術
undergo/have an operation
12. 動/做手術
perform an operation/a surgery; operate on (sb)
13. 一臺手術
an operation