起飛的英文 起飛用英語怎麼說?
(of aircraft) take off; (of economy, etc) take off
常用 權威
1. 正點起飛
take off on time
2. 起飛時間
take-off time
3. 緊急起飛
(of a plane or its pilot) scramble
4. 起飛全重
all-up weight
5. 起飛機場
take-off airfield
6. 平穩起飛
make a smooth take-off
7. 經濟起飛
economic take-off
8. 水平起飛
horizontal take-off
9. 起飛重量
take-off weight
10. 起飛航線
take-off route
11. 直接起飛
rolling/follow-through takeoff; rolling start
12. 起飛線
take-off line
13. 起飛助推火箭
take-off rocket
1. 如果騎手太重,摩托車就很難起飛。
If a rider is too heavy, it will be hard for the motorcycle to take off.
2. 他還在等從紐約起飛的航班。
He's still waiting for a flight out of New York.
3. 很快,他的飛機準備起飛了。
Soon, his airplane was ready to fly.
4. 比爾,你的航班10點起飛。
Bill, your flight leaves at 10 o'clock.
5. 晨霧渙然消散,飛機可以起飛了。
The morning mist has rapidly melted away and the planes can now take off.
6. 幾經延誤,飛機歸齊還是起飛了。
After several delays the plane finally left.
7. 飛機起飛不久發動機就出了問題。
The plane developed engine trouble shortly after takeoff.
8. 飛機起飛的當兒,他們攀談了起來。
They fell into conversation as the plane took off.
9. 這個廠所以能起飛,主要靠科學管理。
The main reason for the factory’s take-off is scientific management.
10. 沿海城市的經濟迅速起飛。
The economies of the coastal cities got off to a flying start.
《起飛》(英文:Crescendo),新加坡哇哇映畫第五部新傳媒8頻道播出的電視劇及第14部戲劇作品,由劉健財擔任製片人,謝光華監製,李銘順、鄭斌輝、林明倫、郭舒賢、鄭秀珍及許美珍領銜主演。 該劇講述了幾個高中時期的好朋友合作成立唱片公司的故事。
動詞 (of aircraft) take off
1. 平均每兩分鐘就有一架飛機從這個機場起飛。
On the average of every two minutes there is an airplane taking off/lifting from this airport.
2. 班機正點起飛。
The airliner took off on time.
3. 平穩起飛
make a smooth take-off
4. 起飛重量
take-off weight
5. 起飛線
take-off line
6. 起飛時間
take-off time
7. 起飛全重
all-up weight
8. 起飛機場
take-off airfield
9. 起飛滑跑
take-off run/roll
10. 起飛航線
take-off route
11. 起飛不順利/順利
make a bad/good take-off
動詞 (of economy, etc) take off
1. 這個廠所以能起飛,主要靠科學管理。
The main reason for the factory's take-off is scientific management.
2. 沿海城市的經濟迅速起飛。
The economies of the coastal cities got off to a flying start.
3. 經濟起飛
economic take-off