獲勝的英文 獲勝用英語怎麼說?
triumph n.勝利;偉績;偉業;古羅馬凱旋式;獲勝;獲得成功;喜悅;滿足;成功的範例;做得十分成功的事情
常用 權威
1. 客場獲勝
win one's away match
2. 勉強獲勝
eke out a victory
3. 小組獲勝者
group winner
4. 希求獲勝
hope to win
5. 向獲勝者致賀
congratulate the winners
6. 下列人員獲勝
the winners are as follows
7. 有可能獲勝
have a chance of winning
8. 在單打中獲勝
win the singles
9. 以微弱優勢獲勝
win by a narrow margin
1. 每個人都想在比賽中獲勝。
Everyone wants to win in the contest.
2. 由於我準備充分,我覺得我獲勝的可能性很大。
Since I was fully prepared, I felt that my chances of winning were strong.
3. 我們以10:1的比分獲勝,我被評為最有價值球員。
We went 10-1 and I was named most valuable player.
4. 為了確定哪種感覺獲勝,研究人員進行了一系列實驗。
To determine which feeling won out, the researchers did a series of experiments.
5. 這場比賽我們隊獲勝的機率不大。
Our team stands little chance of winning the game.
6. 這匹馬十拿九穩會在比賽中獲勝。
It is a dead certainty that the horse will win the race.
7. 球隊3比0獲勝,守門員功不可沒。
The role of the goalkeeper could never go unnoticed in the 3-0 win.
8. 他們在與英國隊的決賽中獲勝。
They won in the showdown against the British team.
9. 我很現實,知道自己獲勝無望。
I’m a realist. I know there is no way I could win.
10. 這匹馬以領先三個馬位獲勝。
The horse won by three lengths.
獲勝 【獲勝】huò shèng 釋義:取得勝利 。 〔例句〕中國隊獲勝了。△同義:戰勝、得勝、取勝、勝利。▽反義:失敗、戰敗、潰敗、敗北。 “獲勝”在漢英詞典中的解釋(來源:百度詞典): 1.to win victory; to be victorious; to win the cup; to win the garland 2.to triumph; to overcome
動詞 win a victory; be victorious; triumph
1. 我們相信我們最終將獲勝。
We are fully confident that we shall come out victorious.
2. 甲隊以4: 1獲勝。
Team A won the match four to one.
3. 以微弱優勢獲勝
win a victory by a slim margin