保留的英文 保留用英語怎麼說?
retain v.保持;保留;記住;保持不變;擋住;繼續僱用;吸收並保留;攔住;付定金聘定
keep v.擁有;佔有;保有;繼續處於某情形;保持;撫養;贍養;養活;承兌;兌現;實現;履行;記;定期
lay aside 撇開;丟開;擱置
disagree v.有意見分歧;有不同觀點;不一致;不相當;不同意;有害;不適宜
reserve v.保留;預留;預訂;佔據;暫不作;把…專門留給;彌撒儀式後保留部分聖餐
常用 權威
1. 保留地
2. 保留劇目
repertoire; stock play; repertory
3. 無保留地信任
trust sb unreservedly
4. 無保留地回答
answer with perfect unreservedness
5. 保留關銜
retain one's customs rank
6. 毫無保留
without reservation
7. 保留資本
reserved capital
8. 保留條款
reserve/reservation clause
9. 保留國籍
retain one's citizenship
10. 保留座位
reserve a seat
11. 無保留地同意
agree unreservedly
12. 保留盈餘
retained earnings
13. 有所保留
have one's reservation (about)
14. 持保留態度
have reservations
15. 保留歷史遺物
retain historic remains
16. 表示保留意見
express certain reservations (about)
17. 無保留的批評
unqualified criticism
1. 榕樹不像橡膠樹,可以保留地下水。
Banyan trees, unlike rubber trees, can keep groundwater.
2. 他們有所保留地接受了。
They accept it with reservations.
3. 該基金還將用於補償保留棲息地的土地所有者。
The fund will also be used to compensate landowners who set aside habitat.
4. 艾米想保留她的舊東西,因為它們能喚起美好的回憶。
Amy wants to keep her old things because they bring back sweet memories.
5. 它可以在環境中保留多年,並且汙染大面積的土地和水。
It can remain in the environment for many years and pollute large areas of land and water.
6. 一個多年的鄰居說,他們從來沒有種過樹,花園只保留了一年。
A long-time neighbor said they never planted trees and only kept a garden for one year.
7. \他們保留了主要結構,但最終只剩下15-30分鐘,\努內斯說。
\They saved the main structure, but it all came down to 15-30 minutes,\ Nunez said.
8. 施予愛絕無損,保留愛卻常有失。
You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.
9. 圖書館將為你把這本書保留到週末。
The library will keep the book for you till the weekend.
10. 關於這個問題我保留我的意見。
I keep my own view on this topic.
動詞 retain; keep
1. 保留所有權
retain ownership/title (to)
2. 保留國籍
retain one's citizenship
3. 保留公職
retain one's position in the civil service
4. 保留工資
retain/keep one's previous salary
動詞 leave in the air; lay aside
1. 議案暫時保留,以後再議。
Let's table the bill for later discussion.
動詞 disagree
1. 持保留意見
reserve one's opinion; be reticent of one's opinion; have one's reservations (about)
2. 表示保留意見
express certain reservations (about)
動詞 hold/keep back; reserve
1. 我同意,但有所保留。
I agree with qualifications.
2. 我可以毫無保留地說,他是一個完全可以信賴的人。
I can say, without any qualification, that he is trully trustworthy.
3. 圖書館將為你把這本書保留到週末。
The library will keep the book for you till the weekend.
4. 保留資本
reserved capital
5. 有所保留
have some reservations; with certain/some reservations; with qualifications
6. 毫無保留
have no reservations whatsoever; without a single reservation; without any reservation; without any qualification
7. 保留座位
reserve a seat
8. 保留權利
maintain/retain/reserve one's rights (to)
9. 保留底片
keep/have the negative