出來的英文 出來用英語怎麼說?
come out 顯現, 暴露;出版, 發表;宣稱支援;得名次;被除去;罷工;公開同性戀身份
emerge v.浮現;出現;出來;倖存下來;變得顯眼;被知曉;暴露;恢復過來;破殼而出
appear v.進入視野;出現;顯現;看上去;留下…的印象;產生;體現;問世;開始被使用;出版
arise v.浮現;呈現;出現;起床;起身;產生;源於;由於…而發生
be out 不在家;(燈、火、煤氣等)熄滅;拔出
常用 權威
1. 冒出來
pop up
2. 站出來
step forward
3. 把口袋翻出來
turn the pocket inside out
4. 變得認不出來了
have changed beyond recognition
5. 走將出來
walk out
6. 剛衝出來的鑰匙
newly-stamped key
7. 從失敗中解脫出來
survive failure
8. 從奴役中解救出來
deliver sb from slavery
9. 強抑著不笑出來
repress one's laughter
10. 雨後春筍般地湧現出來
spring up like mushrooms
11. 除非太陽打西邊出來
till pigs can fly
12. 把最好的刷出來
choose the best from many
13. 把人民從貧困中解脫出來
liberate the people from poverty
14. 把氫從空氣中分離出來
separate hydrogen from air
1. 從這段話中,我們可以推斷出來。
From the passage, we can infer that.
2. 他立刻吐了出來,說這太可怕了。
He spat it out at once, saying it was awful.
3. 他想看看這香味會不會讓她出來。
He wanted to see if the fragrance would make her come outside.
4. 從地裡長出來之後,它破殼而出。
After coming out of the ground, it breaks out of its old shell.
5. 當太陽落山時,星星就會出來。
When the sun goes down, the stars (星星) come out.
6. 男孩抓住樹幹,想把它拔出來。
The boy held the trunk (樹幹) and tried to pull it out.
7. 直到那時,這幅畫才開始顯露出來。
It was only then that the picture would begin to disclose itself.
8. 火箭的鼻錐是從那裡滾出來的。
The rocket's nose cone is rolled from there.
9. 否則,它將無法從幼苗中生長出來。
Otherwise, it would be unable to grow from a seedling.
10. 他的話使我從噩夢中解脫出來。
His words freed me from my bad dreams.
出來,讀音chū lái,漢語詞語,指的是從裡面到外面來,也指出現,還指用在動詞後,表示動作由裡向外朝著說話的人。例句有“幸福的生活是用勤勞和智慧創造出來的”。 相關古文有“千呼萬喚始出來,猶抱琵琶半遮面。”出自唐代白居易《琵琶行》,相關近義詞有下去、出列消失,反義詞有進去。
動詞 come out
1. 太陽出來了。
The sun has come out.
2. 他感冒臥病在床一週後,今天早上可以出來走走了。
He is out and about this morning after a week in bed with a cold.
3. 全家人都出來迎接客人。
The whole family turned out to greet the guest.
4. 快出來,外面有人找。
Come out quickly. Someone wants to see you.
動詞 emerge; appear; arise
1. 選舉結果出來了。
The election results are out.
2. 問題又出來了。
Another problem cropped up.
動詞 be out [used after a verb, indicating the direction of motion from inside]
1. 他帶著一群人走出來。
He came out with a troop of followers.
2. 那個人剛從監獄裡放出來。
That man has just been released from prison.
動詞 complete/finish [used after a verb, indicating completion of an action]
1. 他終於把那道題解出來了。
He finally worked out that problem.
2. 報告寫出來沒有?
Have you finished writing the report?
動詞 [used after a verb, indicating revealing, detecting, etc]
1. 我一眼就認出她來了。
I recognized her at first sight.
2. 你能聽出來他的弦外之音嗎?
Can you make out what he meant?
3. 看不出來她有那麼大年紀。
She doesn't look her age.