詢問的英文 詢問用英語怎麼說?
ask about 詢問
enquire v.打聽;詢問;調查;問候;查究;向…問好;求見;要求與… 談話
常用 權威
1. 詢問處
information desk
2. 詢問站
enquiry station
3. 詢問姓名
enquire sb's name
4. 詢問年齡
ask sb's age
5. 進一步詢問
inquire further
6. 詢問行情
enquire for market
7. 詢問情況
inquire about sth
8. 四處詢問
ask around
9. 詢問臺
information desk
10. 編碼詢問器
coded interrogator
11. 詢問函
letter of inquiry
12. 詢問區
query area
13. 答覆詢問
reply an enquiry
14. 關切地詢問
solicitously enquire
1. 他詢問了當事人的家庭背景。
He inquired about his client's family background.
2. 你最好去書店詢問
You'd better ask for detailed information in the bookstore.
3. 我想詢問一下太陽能電池板的安裝情況。
I wish to enquire about solar panel installations.
4. 他在留言中詢問人們是否有閒置的腳踏車。
He asked if people had unused bikes in the message.
5. 下午6:30,警察趕到並開始詢問人們。
At 6:30 pm, the police arrived and started questioning people.
6. 一家英國報紙最近詢問人們對他們的看法。
A British newspaper recently asked people for their opinions about them.
7. 警方調查人員詢問了參與紀念碑修復的工人。
Police investigators questioned workers involved in the restoration of the monument.
8. 隨後,又有500多份關於詳細資訊的詢問。
Then came more than 500 enquiries for detailed information.
9. 如果你有閱讀困難,請詢問特殊的閱讀機會。
If you have difficulties reading, ask about special reading opportunities.
10. 研究人員沒有詢問高層領導對一線經理的看法。
The researchers didn't ask senior leaders what they thought of their frontline managers.
詢問,讀音xún wèn,漢語詞語,指向人打聽情況。例句有“這期間,間或有人前來詢問價錢,但買賣一個也沒做成”。 相關古文有“詢問耆老,乃得孽子嘉。”出自《漢書·武帝紀》。近義詞為叩問、問訊、盤問。反義詞為質問、答覆、回答。
動詞 ask about; enquire
1. 四處詢問
ask around
2. 關切地詢問
solicitously enquire
3. 詢問學習情況
ask sb about his studies; make enquiries about sb's studies
4. 詢問姓名
enquire sb's name
5. 詢問年齡
ask sb's age
6. 詢問健康情況
enquire about/after sb's health; ask after/about sb
7. 詢問行情
enquire for market
8. 詢問病情/票價
enquire about sb's illness/the price of tickets