兩個的英文 兩個用英語怎麼說?
two num.兩;二;兩個;兩歲;兩點鐘;兩個…一組;2號尺碼的衣物;2點的紙牌;2點的多米諾骨牌
a couple of 一對, 幾個
常用 重點詞彙
1. 兩個半小時
two hours and a half
2. 實足兩個小時
two solid hours
3. 生養兩個女兒
give birth to two daughters
4. 我的兩個姑娘
my two daughters
5. 借調兩個月
two-month secondment
6. 消去兩個零
cross out two ‘0's
7. 兩個綹竊犯
two pickpockets
8. 教兩個班
teach two classes
9. 區分兩個歷史時代
mark off two historical epochs
10. 兩個時代的分界
divide between two eras
11. 打兩個雞蛋攪勻
beat up two eggs
12. 天平的兩個秤盤
two scales of a balance
13. 串聯的兩個電晶體
two transistors (connected) in series
14. 提前兩個月通知
give a two months'notice
15. 養活了兩個孩子
gave birth to two children
16. 打掉敵人兩個團
destroy two enemy regiments
17. 供兩個孩子上大學
maintain two children at university
18. 把兩個東西對換一下
swap two things round
19. 欠兩個月的房租
owe sb two months'rent
20. 把這兩個半截焊在一起
weld the two halves together
1. 我曾經每天開車兩個小時去上班。
I used to drive two hours to work each way.
2. 但是最後,我們只呆了兩個星期。
But in the end, we stayed for only two weeks.
3. 艾米每天練習彈鋼琴兩個多小時。
Amy practices playing the piano for over two hours every day.
4. 但這兩個標準都將以時間為代價。
But both these criteria would be at the expense of time.
5. 此外,它需要兩個人,結果更昂貴。
Plus, it requires two people, which works out more expensive.
6. 額頭上有兩個大眼睛,中間是長喙。
On the forehead are two big eyes, between which is a long beak.
7. 嗯,我有三個兄弟和兩個姐妹。
Well, I have three brothers and two sisters.
8. 我確實結婚了,但有不止兩個孩子。
I did get married, but had more than two children.
9. 這兩個郡的英語只有語音不同。
English in these two counties is different only in sound.
10. 讓團隊成員在兩個大水桶之間排隊。
Have the team members line up between the two large buckets.
two; a couple of