賽跑的英文 賽跑用英語怎麼說?
run a race 賽跑;參加比賽;龜兔賽跑
race n.速度比賽;競賽;急流;溝槽;管道;通道;人種;種族;民族;姜根
racing n.賽馬;速度比賽
run v.跑;奔;奔忙;透過;傳遞;迅速傳播;傳開;流動;行駛;管理;經營;負責;開動;操作;運轉;繼續;持續;具有法律效力;起作用;競選;當候選人;出版;刊登;被出版;被刊登;偷運;走私;花費
dash v.快跑;急奔;疾馳;猛擊;猛擲;衝擊;撞擊;打擊;使(某人的希望或期望)破滅;受挫
常用 權威
1. 短距離賽跑
short-distance run; dash; sprint
2. 長距離賽跑
run a long-distance race
3. 環城賽跑
round-the-city race
4. 障礙賽跑
steeplechase; obstacle race
5. 越野賽跑
cross-country race;cross-country running/race
6. 火炬賽跑
torch race
7. 跨欄賽跑
hurdle race; hurdles
8. 跑百米賽跑
run the 100-metre dash
1. 我在操場上觀看了100米賽跑。
I watched the 100-meter race on the playground.
2. 人們跨越丘陵和山脈與馬匹賽跑。
People race against horses across the hills and mountains.
3. 牧羊人救了六名受傷的賽跑運動員。
Shepherd saved six stricken runners.
4. 所有賽跑運動員都緊張地站在起跑線上。
All the runners stood nervously at the starting line.
5. 如果你在學校參加賽跑,想象自己是跑步運動員中的第一名。
If you're running a race at school, imagine yourself as a top runner.
6. 她在賽跑初賽中贏了,決賽卻輸了。
She won the first heat, but lost the final race.
7. 賽跑運動員全力衝刺越過終點。
The runners spurted across the goal. / The runners sprinted down the finishing straight.
8. 百米賽跑是速度的激烈較量。
The 100-metre dash is a bitter contest of speed.
9. 她向記者們誇嘴說她一定會贏得這場賽跑。
She boasted to the reporters that she would win the race.
10. 他在賽跑中得了第三名。
He came third in the race.
動詞 run a race; race
1. 與時間賽跑
race against/with time; be in a race against time
2. 我們倆賽跑吧!
Let's have a race!
3. 參加賽跑
run/compete in a race
名詞 racing; run; dash
1. 他在賽跑中得了第三名。
He came third in the race.
2. 越野賽跑
cross-country race
3. 1,500米/3,000米賽跑
the 1,500/3,000 metres; 1,500-metre/3,000-metre run
4. 100米/400米賽跑
the 100/400 metres; 100-metre/400-metre dash
5. 馬拉松賽跑
Marathon (race)
6. 六小時的耐力賽跑
six-hour endurance race
7. 長/短距離賽跑
long-distance/short-distance race