更長的英文 更長用英語怎麼說?
all the longer
常用 重點詞彙
1. 機制茶在水中漂浮的時間更長,味道更苦。
Machine-made tea floats longer in water and tastes bitter.
2. 夜奶加快了小鼠睡眠的開始,使小鼠睡得更長。
Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.
3. 如果人們感到孤獨,他們對孤獨的回答就會更長
If people felt lonelier, their answers about loneliness were longer.
4. 芝加哥大學的一項研究表明,睡眠好的人壽命更長。
A university of Chicago study shows people who sleep well live longer.
5. 加滿油的汽車比充滿電的電動汽車行駛的距離更長。
Gas cars can cover a longer distance on a full tank than electric cars on a full charge.
6. 以草為食的動物在不受限制的情況下可以活得更長。
Grass-fed animals live longer out of confinement.
7. 壽命更長、更健康的人將不得不重新安排他們的工作和生活。
People living a longer and healthier life will have to rearrange their work and life.
8. 如果我們都認識到這樣做的價值,我們就會活得更長,更健康。
If we all recognize the value of doing this, we will live longer and be healthier.
9. 2007年在美國出生的嬰兒中,有50%的預期壽命為104歲,甚至更長。
Fifty percent of babies born in the US in 2007 have a life expectancy of 104 or more.
10. 我們已走的路比我意識到的更長。
We had walked further than I realized.
all the longer