扮演的英文 扮演用英語怎麼說?
act as 充當
simulate v.模仿;計算機模擬;假裝
常用 權威
1. 扮演者
actor or actress
2. 扮演白臉
play the villain
3. 扮演壞蛋
play the villain
4. 扮演丑角
play the clown
5. 角色扮演
cosplay;role-playing game
1. 普通人在戰鬥中扮演著重要角色。
Ordinary (平凡的) people play a big role in the fight.
2. 警察在交通安全中扮演的角色。
The role policemen play in traffic safety.
3. 她曾在戲劇、電視和電影中扮演角色。
She has played roles in theater, television and movies.
4. 建築師扮演著比建造者更重要的角色。
Architects play a more important role than builders.
5. 自律在我們的生活中扮演著重要的角色。
Self-discipline plays an important role in our life.
6. 他專注於扮演戲劇角色。
He focused on playing dramatic roles.
7. Pyle採訪的一些士兵在電影中扮演自己。
Some of the soldiers Pyle interviewed portrayed themselves in the film.
8. 這迫使使用者更加留意自己在資訊傳遞中扮演的角色。
This forces users to be more conscious of their role in passing along information.
9. 一個玩家扮演貓,一隻手拿著碗,另一隻手拿著硬幣。
One player acts as the cat, a bowl in one hand and a coin in the other.
10. 如果我扮演自私的角色,我認為這些東西對我有好處。
I think these things are good for me, if I put my selfish hat on.
扮演(英文:play),讀音bàn yǎn,漢語詞語,指的是化妝表演,也指充當,多用於貶義。例句:妹妹在話劇中扮演一個小配角,但她仍然排練得很認真。 相關近義詞有表演、飾演,反義詞有解圍、突圍。
動詞 play (the part of); act as; simulate; be in the character of
1. 這個角色他扮演得不錯。
He was very good in the part.
2. 你覺得勞倫斯·奧立佛扮演的理查三世怎麼樣?
What did you think of Laurence Olivier as Richard III?
3. 扮演主角
play the title/main character
4. 扮演了不光彩的角色
played a dishonourable part/role
5. 扮演愷撒
appear in the character/role of Caesar; play/act (the part of) Caesar
6. 扮演壞蛋
play the villain
7. 扮演丑角
play the clown