肚子疼的英文 肚子疼用英語怎麼說?
collywobbles pl-n.肚子痛;噁心;易嘔吐;緊張;強烈不安;憂慮
1. 不吃飯還好,一吃就肚子疼。
I feel quite OK if I don’t eat anything. Whenever I try to eat, my stomach aches.
2. 感到肚子疼就停止鍛鍊。
Stop the exercises if the tummy twinges.
3. 另外,他肚子疼過嗎?胃口怎樣?
By the way , has he abdominal pain ? how is his appetite.
4. 我不知道。臨時保姆說她肚子疼。
I don't know. The baby-sitter says she has a stomachache.
5. 今天我覺得很不舒服, 肚子疼。
I'm feeling rather out of sorts today.
6. 這包括肚子疼,胸口疼或頭疼。
This includes pain in the stomach , chest or head.
7. 我起初只是肚子疼,後來全身都疼。
The pain started in my stomach and radiated all over my body.
8. 闌尾手術後肚子疼是怎麼回事?
Is the collywobbles after appendix operation how to return a responsibility?
9. 肚子疼不分季節, 不分早晚.
Collywobbles divide season, divide time.
10. 我要看病! 我肚子疼死了!
I want to see a doctor! my stomach really hurts!