溼的英文 溼用英語怎麼說?
wet adj.溼的;潮的;潮溼的;虛弱的;軟弱的;允許出售烈性酒的;不禁酒的;多雨的;雨天的;下雨的
moist adj.微溼的;潮溼的;溼潤的;含淚的;淚汪汪的;多雨的;溼(性)的
damp adj.潮的
humid adj.潮溼的;微溼的;溼潤的
humidity n.潮溼;溼潤;溼氣;溼度
常用 權威
1. 溼毛巾
damp towel
2. 溼砂型
greensand mould
3. 溼毒瘡
damp toxin sore
4. 庳溼
low and damp
5. 溼衣服
wet clothes
6. 擰溼衣服
wring wet clothes
7. 溼濛濛的田野
damp fields
8. 溼濛濛的空氣
moist air
9. 溼津津的襯衣
sweaty shirt
1. 現在讓我們回顧一下溼粉筆畫的步驟。
Now let's review the steps of wet-chalk drawing.
2. 溼垃圾被稱為家庭垃圾。
Wet waste is known as household waste.
3. 胎面可以是厚的或薄的,溼
The tread can be thick or thin, wet or dry, or sticky.
4. 溼衣服放在暖氣片上很快就炮幹了。
Damp clothes will dry very soon on the radiator.
5. 那雙襪子還溼著呢,沒法穿。
Those socks are still damp. You can’t wear them yet.
6. 溼衣服穿在身上涼冰冰的。
I feel chilly with the wet clothes on.
7. 她的溼衣服緊貼在身上。
Her wet clothes moulded round her body.
8. 溼東西比干東西壓秤。
Wet things weigh more than dry things. / Wet things are heavier than dry things.
9. 窗簾已經被潲溼了。
The curtains have got wet by the rain water.
10. 她用溼海綿替他擦身,想為他降體溫。
She sponged him down in an attempt to cool his fever.
溼(拼音:shī),漢語漢字,筆畫12畫,左右結構。詞性是形容詞時,指潮溼,沾了水或顯出含水分多的。還指遲緩、不通暢。詞性是動詞時,指沾溼,淋溼 。組詞有溼地、溼氣。 相關古文有“是猶惡溼而居下也。”出自《孟子·公孫丑上》。
形詞 wet; moist; damp; humid
1. 那雙襪子還溼著呢,沒法穿。
Those socks are still damp. You can't wear them yet.
2. 地面因昨晚下了暴雨還是溼的。
The ground is still wet from last night's storm.
3. 草葉被露水沾溼了。
The grass was moist with dew.
4. 溼衣服
wet clothes
5. 溼毛巾
damp towel
6. 把抹布弄溼
damp the cloth
7. 把海綿蘸溼
wet a sponge
名詞 humidity [one of the six external factors which cause diseases, namely, wind, cold, summer heat, humidity, dryness and fire]