糖葫蘆的英文 糖葫蘆用英語怎麼說?
sugar-coated haws on a stick
常用 權威
1. 冰糖葫蘆
string of candied haws on a stick
2. 穿糖葫蘆
string candied haws
1. 大家現在看的這幅圖片是糖葫蘆。
We are now looking at the photo is the candied fruit .
2. 你們可以在唐人街買到糖葫蘆。
Your can buy sugar-coated haws on a stick in the Chinatown.
3. 漂亮的糖葫蘆,還可以看到製作過程。
Nice color crystal-sugar berry , and one scene of the making progress.
4. 賣冰糖葫蘆的老爺爺走街串巷地叫賣.
The old man was wandering on the streets selling sugarcoated haws on sticks.
5. 爸爸從前會為我們做糖葫蘆,當下午茶點心.
My father used to make Tomatoes on a Stick for us as afternoon - tea snacks.
6. 她吃冰糖葫蘆之前,總要先吃掉外面包著的那層糯米紙.
She always eats the glutinous rice paper on the outside before she eats the candied haws.
7. 這是糖葫蘆,中國北方的傳統冬季開胃食品。)第二個缺點。
This is Tanghulu, a traditional hibernal appetizer in northern China.
8. 有學生一直說她賣的糖葫蘆貴,但生意就是要比其他地方的還要好。
Students have been saying that she was selling candied fruit expensive, but business is even better than other places.
9. 啊,我知道糖葫蘆,就是那種包著紅色的糖衣,串在一根竹籤上的山楂。
It is made of haws which are strung together on a bamboo stick and covered with red sugarcoating.
10. 糖葫蘆,也叫冰糖葫蘆,是一種用糖醃水果串成的中國傳統零食,糖葫蘆通常會被浸在糖漿中形成一層堅硬的糖衣。
Tanghulu, also called bingtanghulu, is a traditional Chinese snack of candied fruit. It typically has a hardened sugar coating that comes from dipping the skewer in sugar syrup.
冰糖葫蘆,又稱糖葫蘆,天津又稱糖墩兒,安徽鳳陽叫作糖球,冰糖葫蘆是中國傳統小吃,冰糖葫蘆起源於南宋。 冰糖葫蘆是將野果用竹籤串成串後蘸上麥芽糖稀,糖稀遇風迅速變硬。北方冬天常見的小吃,一般用山楂串成,糖稀凍硬,吃起來又酸又甜,還很冰。 冰糖葫蘆在宋朝年間便有了古式的做法,《燕京歲時記》記載:冰糖葫蘆乃用竹籤,貫以山裡紅、海棠果、豆沙等,蘸以冰糖,甜脆而涼。冰糖葫蘆具有開胃、養顏、增智、消除疲勞、清熱等作用。
日前,我市首部公益微電影《糖葫蘆》舉行首發儀式。《糖葫蘆》由快樂螞蟻文化傳媒有限公司、長治市愛心公益協會、黃河新聞網長治頻道聯合出品,影片講述了潞城市一位名叫申海萍的女校長十幾年如一日,把自己的光和熱無私奉獻給智障兒童教育的感人故事。首發儀式現場,主創人員分享了拍攝感受,並播放了 《糖葫蘆》預告片,特殊兒童們還帶來了精彩的舞蹈表演。首發儀式後,現場還進行了特殊兒童繪畫作品義賣活動。《糖葫蘆》是我市首部關心、關注、關愛特殊兒童的公益微電影,融入了親情、愛情、夢想、社會關愛等正能量元素,藉此呼籲人們更多地去關注特殊兒童及其教育問題,是一部充滿愛、傳遞愛的公益微電影。
名詞 sugar-coated haws on a stick