機構的英文 機構用英語怎麼說?
mechanism n.機械裝置;機器;機制;機理;機械論;技巧;手法
organization n.組織;機構;結構;體制;編制;條理;有條不紊的方式
institution n.協會;機構;制度;慣例;風俗;建立;設立;開始;大金融機構;院
establishment n.建立;設立;確立;確定;制定;企業;公共機構;家庭;權勢集團;現存體制;國教
organ n.風琴;管風琴;器官;機關;部門;電風琴;喉舌;陰莖;智力區
常用 權威
1. 機構投資者
institutional investor
2. 保健機構
health care agency
3. 搭接機構
clutch mechanism
4. 放款機構
lending institution
5. 國際機構
international agency
6. 代收機構
collecting agency
7. 成教機構
institution of adult education
8. 信貸機構
credit/lending institution; credit agency
9. 評級機構
rating agency
10. 認證機構
certification authority
11. 派出機構
agency; representative office
12. 政法機構
procuratorial, judicial and public security organizations
13. 反間諜機構
antiespionage agency
14. 吸存機構
deposit-taking institution
15. 機構龐大
unwieldy organization
16. 信用機構
credit institution
17. 中間機構
intermediate organization
18. 改革機構
transform the institutions
19. 新設機構
newly-founded institution
20. 評審機構
crediting agency/body
1. 那些提供鉅額政府補貼的機構。
Those that provide enormous government subsidies.
2. 人們可以尋求聯邦立法機構的支援。
People can seek favor from the federal legislature.
3. 所有的錢都將捐給慈善機構。
All of the money will go to charity.
4. 它定期向當地慈善機構捐款。
It donates regularly to a local charity.
5. 現在他為一家慈善機構工作。
Now he works for a charity.
6. 在英國,開放出版是由資助機構推動的。
In Britain the move towards open access publishing has been driven by funding bodies.
7. 它不接受捐贈,也不想被視為慈善機構。
It doesn't take donations and doesn't want to be seen as a charity.
8. 負責起草指導方針的機構具備專業知識。
Its agencies in charge of drafting the guidelines have the expertise.
9. 使更少的機構參與行動。
Involve fewer agencies in action.
10. 管理該行業的僵化機構。
The rigid bodies governing the profession.
名詞 mechanism
1. 傳動/分離機構
transmission/disengaging mechanism
2. 程式機構
preset mechanism
3. 變速/控制機構
gearshifting/control mechanism
4. 機構系統
train of mechanism
5. 機構特點
mechanical feature
6. 安裝/發明/設計一種機構
install/invent/design a mechanism
名詞 organization; institution; establishment; organ
1. 諮詢機構
advisory organ; consultative agency; consultancy
2. 專門機構
special agency/organ
3. 中間機構
intermediate organization
4. 醫療機構
medical establishment/institution
5. 宣傳機構
publicity machine/organ
6. 科研機構
scientific research institute
7. 金融機構
financial set-up
8. 教育機構
educational establishment
9. 國家機構
state organization/institution
10. 公共機構
public institution
11. 福利機構
welfare organization/agency
12. 分支機構
affiliate organization; branch office
13. 保健機構
health/healthcare agency
14. 整頓機構
check up on the organizations; consolidate an organization
15. 建立機構
set up/establish/form an organization; found an establishment
16. 改革機構
transform the institutions
17. 撤銷機構
dismantle/dissolve an organization
18. 一個機構兩塊牌子
one identical institution under two different names
名詞 internal structure/set-up of an organization
1. 機構臃腫
overstaffed/swollen organization
2. 機構膨脹
bloated organizational structure and staff
3. 機構重疊
overlapping institutions; organizational overlapping
4. 調整機構
adjust the organizational structure
5. 精簡行政機構
simplify the administrative structure