臨時的英文 臨時用英語怎麼說?
at the last moment phr.在最後的時刻
provisional adj.臨時的;暫時性的;暫定的;愛爾蘭共和軍和新芬黨臨時派的;臨時流通的
temporary adj.暫時的;臨時的
interim n.間歇;期間;過渡時期;中期利潤;階段性成果;中期股利
makeshift adj.權宜的;臨時的
常用 權威
1. 臨時工
temporary (worker); casual labourer/worker; jobber; temp
2. 臨時停車場
short-stay car park
3. 臨時議程
provisional agenda;provisional agenda
4. 臨時窩棚
makeshift shed
5. 臨時貸款
interim credit/loan
6. 臨時僱員
temp; temporary (employee)
7. 臨時合同
provisional/temporary contract
8. 招用臨時工
recruit temporary workers
9. 臨時執照
temporary licence;provisional charter/licence; temporary licence
10. 臨時收入
incidental income
11. 臨時住所
temporary abode
12. 臨時代辦
chargé d'affaires ad interim
13. 臨時動議
extempore motion
14. 臨時費用
interim/incidental expenses
15. 臨時停火
suspension of arms
16. 臨時賬戶
temporary account
17. 臨時駕照
provisional driving licence;learner's provisional licence/permit
18. 臨時醫院
makeshift hospital
19. 臨時首都
provisional capital
20. 臨時規定
provisional rule
1. 暴風雨來臨時,我正在圖書館看書。
I was reading books in the library when the rainstorm came.
2. 他們輪流佔據了臨時攤位。
They took up the temporary stall in turn.
3. 1月23日:武漢宣佈臨時對外交通管控。
Jan 23: Wuhan declared temporary outbound (向外的) traffic restrictions.
4. 好運是當機會來臨時,你已經為其做好了準備。
Good luck is when a chance comes and you're prepared for it.
5. 他必須捕魚,找水,並建立一個臨時營地來生存。
He must fish, find water, and build a makeshift camp to stay alive.
6. 當冬天來臨時,它們會回到藏身的地方去吃食物。
When winter comes, they return to the hiding places to eat the food.
7. 他們在這部影片中充當臨時演員。
They played extra parts in the film.
8. 事先做好準備,免得臨時手忙腳亂。
Arrange everything in advance so that you won’t be in a rush at the last moment/when the time comes.
9. 事先沒有計劃好,到時候就得臨時抓瞎。
You will find yourself at a loss if you don’t have a good plan.
10. 閒時不燒香,臨時抱佛腳。
Do not burn incense when all is well, but clasp Buddha’s feet when in trouble.
臨時(拼音:lín shí,英文:temporary),漢語詞語,釋義為臨到事情發生的時候、一時、暫時等,例句有“他臨時僱傭了幾個民工幫忙幹活。” 相關古文有“自外臨時皆委卿量事。”唐代張九齡《敕西州都督張待賓書》,相關近義詞有姑且、偶爾、暫時,反義詞有常久、常設、正式。
副詞 at the time when sth happens; at the last moment
1. 事先做好準備,免得臨時手忙腳亂。
Arrange everything in advance so that you won't be in a rush at the last moment/when the time comes.
2. 臨時變卦
change one's mind at the last moment
形詞 provisional; temporary; interim; makeshift
1. 先臨時湊合一下吧。
Let's make do with it for the time being.
2. 臨時議程
provisional agenda
3. 臨時投資
temporary investment
4. 臨時停車場
short-stay car park
5. 臨時收入
incidental income
6. 臨時難民營
makedo/makeshift refugee camp
7. 臨時開支
interim expenses
8. 臨時措施
provisional/temporary/tentative/interim measure
9. 臨時辦法
provisional/tentative/temporary measure; temporary solution/arrangement
10. 搭建臨時舞臺
put up a makeshift stage