難聞的英文 難聞用英語怎麼說?
stinking adj.發惡臭的;有惡臭的;令人討厭的;很糟的;極壞的
malodorous adj.難聞的;惡臭的
常用 權威
1. 沒有人喜歡會把人燻倒難聞的氣味。
No one likes a bad smell that could knock somebody over.
2. 這種廢物會使水聞起來很難聞,汙染我們吃的莊稼。
Such waste causes water to smell bad and pollutes the crops we eat.
3. 直到那時,我們才意識到我們已經習慣了難聞的氣味。
Only then do we realise that we have become accustomed to the nasty smells.
4. 三天前我們在廚房炸了魚,但難聞的味道一直沒有消失。
We deep fried fish three days ago in the kitchen, but the unpleasant smell stays.
5. 他的雪茄把整個屋子燻得很難聞。
His cigar filled the whole room with unbearable smell.
6. 地下室裡瀰漫著一股難聞的氣味。
An unpleasant smell pervades the basement.
7. 這香水掩蓋不住難聞的氣味。
This perfume won’t mask the unpleasant smell.
8. 這個人身上的味道很難聞,咱們坐遠點。
This man smells and we’d better sit away from him.
9. 他們住在一家養豬場的下風處,有時味道很難聞。
They live downwind of a pig-farm and sometimes the smell is awful.
10. 這味難聞得足以使任何人都翻胃。
[with obj.]the smell was bad enough to turn the strongest stomach.
形詞 smelling bad/unpleasant; unpleasant/offensive to the nose; stinking; malodorous
1. 他的雪茄把整個屋子燻得很難聞。
His cigar filled the whole room with unbearable smell.
2. 難聞的氣味
nasty/rank smell