獲得成功的英文 獲得成功用英語怎麼說?
attain success
常用 重點詞彙
1. 貧困的孩子能夠獲得成功的資源。
Poor kids can access the resources to succeed.
2. 每個人都有機會在追求中獲得成功。
Everyone has a chance to succeed in their pursuit.
3. 讀者總是喜歡看到窮人崛起並獲得成功。
Readers always enjoy seeing poor people rise and succeed.
4. (英國詩人)馬洛把詩歌和獲得成功的天賦帶上普通舞臺。
Marlowe had brought poetry and genius to triumph on the common stage.
5. 然而,如果它持續很長時間,你將實現你所有的目標並獲得成功。
However, if it goes long, you will achieve all your goals and be successful.
6. 經過多次努力,她終於獲得成功。
After many attempts she eventually succeeded.
7. 她靠苦幹獲得成功。
She succeeded by dint of hard work.
8. 為了獲得成功,他將網面撒得很大。
He spread his net far and wide in his search for success.
9. 他知道他有能力獲得成功。
He knew success was within his grasp.
10. 為了獲得成功,他決心再加最後一把勁。
He determined to make one last push for success.
attain success