卡的英文 卡用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-09-19


calorie n.卡;卡路里

card n.厚紙片;薄紙板;信用卡;紙牌;僱員檔案;日程表;節目單;古怪的人;梳理機

clip n.夾;鉗;回形針;剪;剪短;修剪;猛擊;擦擊;速度;彈夾

fastener n.扣件;鈕釦;紐扣;使繫牢之物

checkpost n.檢查哨所; 陸標(飛行用); 繫纜柱

checkpoint n.檢查站;關卡;計時處;檢查點

lorry n.載貨汽車;卡車

truck n.車輛;火車轉向架;桅冠;旗杆冠;交易;買賣;小件商品;商品菜園產物;卡車

cassette n.錄音磁帶盒;盒式錄音磁帶;盒式錄影帶;膠捲盒;錄影帶盒;盒式膠捲

get stuck 卡住;被困;陷入

wedge n.楔子;錢;收入;楔形物;坡跟鞋;楔形鞋;楔形隊形;楔形鐵頭球棒;楔形鐵頭球棒擊出的球;坡跟鞋鞋跟

withhold v.拒給;不給;剋制;抑制

clutch v.抓住;攫住;緊握;緊抓

常用 權威



1. 購物卡

shopping card

2. 免疫卡

immunization card

3. 公交卡

public transportation card; public transit card

4. 附屬卡

supplementary card

5. 目次卡

contents card

6. 原圖卡

maximum card

7. 慰問卡

get-well card

8. 消費卡

expense card

9. 現金卡

cash card

10. 訂購卡

order action card

11. 位次卡

place card

12. 指紋卡

fingerprint card

13. 摘要卡

summary card

14. 參見卡

cross reference card

15. 計時卡

time card

16. 檔案卡

file card

17. 晶片卡

chip card

18. 過渡卡

transition card

19. 邊防哨卡

border sentry post

20. 續見卡

run-on card


1. 他們不小心把卡皮打成了普里。

They carelessly typed CARPI instead of CAPRI.

2. 商店的讀卡器無法掃描的磁條。

The store's card reader failed to scan the card's magnetic strip.

3. 我17歲的孩子建議送他一張禮品

My 17-year-old suggested giving him a gift card.

4. 一塊雞骨頭在她的肺裡。

She had a piece of chicken bone lodged in her lung.

5. 感覺就像在某個地方。

It feels like it is stuck somewhere.

6. 城市旅遊可以毫無疑問地為您節省金錢和時間。

City tourism cards can save your money and time without question.

7. 一對瑞典夫婦正在義大利度假,他們想去普里島。

A Swedish couple on holiday were traveling around Italy, and wanted to go to Capri.

8. 你需要直接在我們的網站上更新你的銀行卡資訊。

Well, you'll need to update your card details directly on our website.

9. 有點幹,缺乏味道,但至少一隻翅膀沒有在我的喉嚨裡。

A little dry and lacking of taste, but at least a wing didn't get stuck in my throat.

10. 他們問如何去藍色洞穴,這是普里島一個著名的海底洞穴。

They asked how they could go to the Blue Grotto, a well-known sea cave in Capri.






量詞 calorie

1. 一盎司糖約能產生100卡的熱量。

An ounce of sugar supplies/produces about 100 calories.

2. 含熱量3,000卡

contain/have 3,000 calories; have a caloric value of 3,000

3. 小卡

cal; small/gram calorie

4. 大卡

kilocalorie; kcal; large/great calorie; kilogram calorie; Calorie; Cal

名詞 card

1. 你的這張卡消磁了。

Your card has been demagnetized. / Your card is void of magnetism.

2. 主題索引卡

subject index card

3. 指紋卡

fingerprint card

4. 摘要卡

summary card

5. 優惠卡

courtesy/preferential card

6. 續見卡

run-on card

7. 續卡

continuation card

8. 期限卡

date card

9. 目次卡

contents card

10. 角注卡

corner-mark card

11. 工作卡

work card

12. 分類卡

classified/classification card

13. 穿孔卡

punched card

14. 參見卡

cross reference card

15. 卡號

card number

16. 用卡支付

pay by a credit card; put sth on a credit card

17. 刷卡

swipe a card

18. 髮卡

issue sb with a card

null詞 lorry; truck

1. 十輪卡

ten-wheel lorry/truck

null詞 cassette

動詞 get stuck; wedge; be jammed

1. 這硬領把我卡得喘不上氣來。

The stiff collar is strangling me.

2. 魚刺卡在我嗓子裡。

A fish bone stuck in my throat.

3. 鑰匙卡在鎖裡了。

The key has stuck in the lock.

4. 我喉嚨裡卡了一塊骨頭。

I choked on a bone in my throat.

5. 她的一隻腳卡在兩塊岩石中間。

Her foot was jammed between two rocks.

6. 窗戶卡住了。

The window jammed.

7. 抽屜被卡住了,打不開。

The drawer got stuck and would not open.

名詞 clip; fastener

名詞 checkpost; checkpoint

動詞 withhold; have a tight control of

動詞 clutch

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