即將的英文 即將用英語怎麼說?
soon adv.不久;很快;寧可;寧願;快;早
in no time 馬上, 立刻
常用 權威
1. 即將竣工
be near completion
2. 即將卸任的總統
outgoing president
3. 即將卸任的主席
outgoing chairman
4. 即將來臨的秋天
coming autumn
1. 按重要性順序列出即將到來的任務。
List upcoming tasks in order of importance.
2. 斯茂德沃特運河即將重新開放。
The Smoudwater Canal is moving towards reopening.
3. 查爾斯,對即將到來的威脅反應遲鈍。
Charles, Slow to React to the Coming Threats.
4. 緩慢應對即將到來的威脅。
Slow to react to the coming threats.
5. 即將到來的週末旅行計劃。
Travel plans for the coming weekend.
6. 我們的初中生活即將
Our junior high school life is coming to an end.
7. 傑森的父親立即意識到,龍捲風即將來臨。
Jason's father immediately realized that a tornado (龍捲風) was coming.
8. 城市需要更加現代化來應對即將到來的問題。
Cities will need to be more modern to deal with the coming problems.
9. 我們即將從初中畢業。
We are going to graduate from junior high school.
10. 邀請他擔任即將到來的英語演講比賽的評委。
Invite him to be a judge for the upcoming English speech contest.
即將(英文:soon),讀音為jí jiāng,漢語詞語,指的是將要;還指就要。例句有“在手榴彈即將爆炸的千鈞一髮的時刻,班長用身體掩護了戰友”。 相關古文有“今欲東入海,即將西去秦。”出自唐代詩人杜甫的《奉贈韋左丞丈二十二韻》,相關近義詞有行將、必將、將要,反義詞有已經。
副詞 about (to do sth); on the point of (doing sth); soon; in no time
1. 這項工程即將竣工。
The project is nearing completion.
2. 他即將獲得有生以來的第一個冠軍。
He was on the verge of his first championship.
3. 節日即將到來。
The holiday is drawing near. / The holiday is just around the corner. / The holiday will come soon.
4. 暴風雨即將來臨。
A storm is imminent/impending.
5. 即將卸任的總統
outgoing president
6. 即將啟程
be about to start/set off