廢棄的英文 廢棄用英語怎麼說?
discard v.拋棄;丟棄;墊牌
abandon v.不再撫養;遺棄;完全放棄;放縱於;沉湎於;離棄;丟棄;聽任(某人;某事物)處於;中止
cast aside 拋棄, 扔到一邊, 廢除
scrap n.碎片;小塊;少量;廢金屬;打鬧;爭吵;廢料;廢品;點滴;小東西
常用 權威
1. 廢棄物
2. 廢棄機器
scrapped machines
3. 工業廢棄物
industrial waste/garbage
4. 廢棄財產
abandoned property
5. 廢棄的建築物
derelict buildings
6. 廢棄延續了十五年的做法
scrap a 15-year practice
1. 他說那裡有一座廢棄的舊農舍。
He said that there was an old, abandoned (廢棄的)farmhouse.
2. 王收集了700多萬塊不同年代的廢棄磚塊。
Wang collected more than 7 million abandoned bricks of different ages.
3. 審視廢棄
The new way to rethink waste.
4. 我們一直在尋找減少和重新評估廢棄物的方法。
We are always seeking ways to reduce and revalue our waste.
5. 廢棄物汙染環境、危害人類健康並導致動物死亡。
Waste pollutes the environment, harms people's health and causes animals to die.
6. 週三晚上,消防隊員在海沃德一個廢棄的購物中心應對火災。
Firefighters responded to a fire Wednesday night at an abandoned mall in Heyward.
7. 因此,如何處理滌綸樹脂和其他塑膠的廢棄物一直是一個令人頭疼的問題。
So it has always been a headache to deal with the waste from PET and other plastics.
8. 這個詞已經廢棄不用了。
This word has fallen into disuse.
9. 殺人之後,罪犯們在一間廢棄的村舍裡躲藏了起來。
After the murder, the criminals holed up in an abandoned cottage.
10. 一座15世紀的農舍免遭廢棄。
A 15th-century farmhouse has been saved from dereliction.
動詞 discard; abandon; cast aside; scrap
1. 這個詞已經廢棄不用了。
This word has fallen into disuse.
2. 廢棄機器
scrapped machines
3. 廢棄的建築物
derelict buildings
4. 廢棄財產
abandoned property
5. 廢棄延續了十五年的做法
scrap a 15-year practice
6. 廢棄計劃
scrap a plan/scheme