努力地的英文 努力地用英語怎麼說?
industriously adv.勤勉地;努力地
strenuously adv.費力地;奮發地;勤奮地
常用 重點詞彙
1. 每個人都努力地把這捆東西弄斷。
Each one worked hard to break the bundle.
2. 從那以後,我更加努力地練習。
From then on, I practiced even harder.
3. 他在高中時努力地訓練。
He played and practiced hard in the high school.
4. 我們比平時更努力地訓練,我們想做得更好。
We're training harder than usual, and we want to do better.
5. 法學院的債務意味著他們必須非常努力地工作。
Law-school debt means that they have to work fearsomely hard.
6. 有跡象表明,額外的蛋白質會使腎臟更努力地工作。
There have been some indications that extra protein makes the kidneys work harder.
7. 夢想是強大的,它能驅使你更加努力地工作,變得比以前更好。
Dreams are powerful and they can drive you to work harder and become better than before.
8. 我們在下一項任務中非常努力地工作——使用地圖和指南針查詢秘密位置。
We tried very hard on our next task—using the map and compass to find a secret location.
9. 他努力地表現出青春的形象。
He strives to project an image of youth.
10. 我努力地工作以攢下一些錢。
I worked hard to build up a nice little nest egg.
industriously; strenuously