在國內外的英文 在國內外用英語怎麼說?
at home and abroad phr.(在)國內外
常用 重點詞彙
1. 容易在國內外引起批評。
Be apt to arouse criticism at home and abroad.
2. 事實上,關於我國的紀錄片在國內外都很豐富。
In fact, documentaries about our country are plentiful both at home and abroad.
3. 在國內外他一直都很成功。
He has been consistently successful both at home and abroad.
4. 該種結構體系在國內外首次使用。
It is the latest structure system at home and abroad.
5. 在國內外的編舞生涯長達三十年。
He has choreographed consistently for thirty years in New Zealand and internationally.
6. 多年來在國內外發明學術論文多篇。
He has published many papers for years domestically and overseas.
7. 這種機器在國內外都很受歡迎。
This kind of machines are very popular both at home and abroad.
8. 因此在國內外的應用非常廣泛。
So it is adopted frequently in the work.
9. 安可在國內外都頗受好評。
Chen has received tens of thousands of positive comments online, both in China and the world.
10. 雲南省普洱茶在國內外有著良好的銷售。
Pu'er tea of Yunnan Province enjoys a good sale in China and abroad.
at home and abroad