去野營的英文 去野營用英語怎麼說?
go camping 去野營;去露營;去宿營
常用 重點詞彙
1. 她週末去野營
She spent the weekend camping
2. 他們情願去野營也不願呆在家裡。
They prefer to go camping rather than stay at home.
3. 人們去野營的時候睡在帳篷裡。
If you go camping, you sleep in tent.
4. 當我去野營的時候,我睡在睡袋裡。
When I go camping, I sleep in a sleeping bag.
5. 由於天下雨,我們不能去野營了?。
Since it is raining, we can't go camping.
6. 如果天氣好的話,我想去野營.
I like going camping if the weather is fine.
7. 如果明天天氣好,我們可以去野營。
If the weather is good, we can go camping tomorrow.
8. 即使明天下雨,我還會繼續去野營的。
Even though/if it rains tomorrow, I will still go camping.
9. 我和我爸去野營的地方是童子軍營地。
The place I went to was a BSA camp. (BSA stands for Boy Scouts of America).
10. 我們可以去野營但是必須呆在帳篷裡。
We can go camping but we have to stay in.
go camping