良心的英文 良心用英語怎麼說?
conscience n.良心;良知;道德心
常用 權威
1. 清白的良心
clear conscience
2. 天地良心
in all honesty/fairness
3. 違背良心
act against one's (good) conscience
4. 昧著良心
go against one's conscience
5. 有良心
have a conscience; be good-hearted
6. 揹著良心做事
act against one's conscience
7. 安慰自己的良心
salve one's conscience
8. 在良心的促迫下
under the prod of conscience
1. 一種內疚的感覺日夜咬齧著我的良心。
A feeling of guilt gnawed at my conscience day and night.
2. 這件事使他良心上感到不安。
The matter weighed upon his conscience.
3. 她感到良心上得到了安慰。
She felt relieved of the burden on her conscience. / She felt that her conscience had been eased/appeased.
4. 理智和良心是人類獨有的。
Reason and conscience are man’s prerogative.
5. 她的錯誤齧噬著她的良心。
Her mistake gnawed at her conscience.
6. 他受到了良心的譴責。
His conscience plagued him. / Conscience stung him sharply. / His conscience was heavy.
7. 良心促迫他去自首。
Conscience impelled him to give himself up to the police. / He confessed his crime to the police from force of conscience.
8. 他恨自己違背良心,在這裡委曲求全,仰人鼻息。
He hated himself for going against his own conscience and stooping to compromise under someone’s thumb.
9. 我的良心不會允許我接受更多了。
My conscience would not suffer me to accept any more.
10. 天意阻止了他因良心譴責而自殺。
An act of providence had prevented him from having a death on his conscience.
《良心》是由西安曲江順心影視文化有限公司出品,陳燕民執導並擔任編劇,姜武、顏丙燕、韓青等主演的都市情感電視劇,於2014年9月1日在吉林都市頻道首播,2014年11月6日在陝西衛視、河南衛視播出。 該劇講述了一對素昧平生的普通男女劉志廣(姜武 飾)和張麗茹(顏丙燕 飾),因一起車禍而結怨、結緣,但歷經萬難依然講求誠信,用樂觀向上的精神消化生活的苦難,最終收穫愛情與闔家幸福的故事。
《良心》中國大陸製作的一部電視劇,由陳曉雷導演,呂 涼、鄭曉寧、楊童舒、王奎榮領銜主演。
名詞 conscience
1. 這件事使他良心上感到不安。
The matter weighed upon his conscience.
2. 她感到良心上得到了安慰。
She felt relieved of the burden on her conscience. / She felt that her conscience had been eased/appeased.
3. 憑良心吧。
Act as your conscience leads/guides/bids you. / Follow your conscience.
4. 說句良心話
to be fair; in all fairness/conscience
5. 憑良心辦事
act as one's conscience dictates; act according to conscience
6. 良心受到譴責
be stung by conscience; be conscience-stricken
7. 良心不安
have a guilty/bad conscience; have an uneasy conscience; feel the pricks of conscience; one's conscience is troubled
8. 良心發現
return to one's good conscience; the conscience is moved
9. 有良心
have a conscience; be good-hearted
10. 違背良心
act against one's (good) conscience
11. 昧著良心
go against one's conscience
12. 沒良心
have got no conscience; be conscienceless/heartless/ungrateful