教書的英文 教書用英語怎麼說?
teach (in a school)
常用 權威
1. 教書匠
2. 教書先生
school teacher
3. 教書育人
impart knowledge and educate people
4. 以教書為業
make teaching one's career;make teaching one's career
5. 在中學教書
teach in a middle school
6. 靠教書為生
earn a livelihood by teaching
1. 邁克爾明年2月到6月將在雲南的一所學校教書。
Michael will teach in a school in Yunnan from February to June next year.
2. 此外,他們應該被允許去教書,並因做得好而得到獎勵。
Additionally, they should be allowed to teach, and be rewarded for doing it well.
3. 那時他只是個窮酸的教書先生。
At that time he was only an impoverished pedant.
4. 他厭倦了教書,轉行寫小說。
He was tired of teaching and switched to writing stories.
5. 他教書有些年頭兒了。
He has been teaching for quite a long time.
6. 她不是教書的材料。
She has little vocation for teaching./ She is not teacher material. / She is not cut out to be a teacher./ She is not the stuff of teacher.
7. 他以教書為生。
He is teaching for a living. / He is earning a living by teaching.
8. 她開始教書並開辦了自己的學校。
She began to teach and opened her own school.
9. 他在北方幹上了教書工作。
He's taken a teaching job up north.
10. 我希望被委派到那所新學校教書。
I hope to get a teaching appointment at the new school.
動詞 teach (in a school)
1. 他以教書為生。
He is teaching for a living. / He is earning a living by teaching.
2. 她教了三十年書。
She has been (in) teaching for 30 years.
3. 在中學教書
teach in a middle school
4. 以教書為業
make teaching one's career