策劃的英文 策劃用英語怎麼說?
plan n.計劃;規劃;意圖;打算;詳細圖表;繪圖;方案;平面圖;示意圖
plot n.陰謀;密謀;情節;小塊地;苗圃;圖表;地圖
scheme n.計劃;規劃;方案;系統;陰謀;詭計;組合
machinate v.密謀;陰謀策劃
mastermind n.才智過人者;決策者;策劃;創意者
engineer n.工程師;技師;機械師;機師;輪機員;策劃者;設計者;發明者;專家;火車司機
常用 權威
1. 策劃人
mastermind; planner; designer; plotter; schemer
2. 策劃暴亂
plot a rebellion
3. 幕後策劃
plot behind the scenes
4. 策劃運動
mastermind a campaign
5. 一手策劃
plot single-handedly
6. 婚慶策劃
wedding planner
7. 陰謀策劃
conspire to do sth
8. 策劃謀殺
plot the murder (of sb);mastermind a murder
9. 策劃搶劫
contrive a robbery
10. 營銷策劃
marketing plan
11. 廣告策劃
advertisement scheme
12. 暗中策劃
plot in the dark
13. 策劃叛亂
project a revolt
14. 策劃政變
plot a coup
15. 策劃復辟
plan a comeback
16. 精心策劃的騙局
well-organized fraud; deliberate hoax
1. 體育專案策劃的比園藝更好。
An athletic program is hatch better than gardening.
2. 假設Smith教授讓你策劃一場以城市交通為主題的辯論。
Suppose Professor Smith asked you to plan a debate on the theme of city traffic.
3. 他們整個星期都在策劃復仇計劃。
They spent all week plotting their revenge.
4. 他因參與策劃推翻政府而被囚禁。
He was imprisoned for his involvement in a plot to overthrow the government.
5. 現在就策劃總統競選未免太早了。
This is mighty early to be planning a presidential campaign.
6. 他的政敵精心策劃了一次內閣危機。
His opponents contrived a cabinet crisis.
7. 這兩人現正因策劃爆炸行動而服刑。
The two men are serving sentences for plotting a bomb campaign.
8. 軍隊中的不滿分子策劃的軍事陰謀。
A military plot by disaffected elements in the army.
9. 他因密謀策劃非法破壞而受到指控。
He is charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage.
10. 策劃應該和活動本身一樣有趣。
The planning should be every bit as enjoyable as the event itself.
動詞 plan; plot; scheme; machinate; mastermind; engineer
1. 他們整個星期都在策劃復仇計劃。
They spent all week plotting their revenge.
2. 策劃並參與一項犯罪活動
be art and part in a crime
3. 幕後策劃
plot behind the scenes
4. 策劃陰謀
hatch (up)/engineer/concoct/design a plot; mastermind/concoct a scheme; contrive a conspiracy
5. 策劃搶劫
contrive a robbery
6. 策劃謀殺
mastermind a murder
7. 策劃計謀
map out/work out/plan a strategy; contrive/devise/plan a stratagem