學識淵博的英文 學識淵博用英語怎麼說?
have a large stock of information; One's learning is profound and immense.; have great learning; be learned
常用 重點詞彙
1. 他學識淵博,惟不善言談。
He is learned, though/but a little bit taciturn.
2. 我們的教授是一個學識淵博的人.
Our professor is a man of profound learning.
3. 湯姆生教授是一位學識淵博的學者.
Prof. Thomson is one scholar of the highest attainment.
4. 他寫的書表現出他學識淵博。
His book showed the great breadth of his learning.
5. 這位學識淵博的老先生,真可謂通今博古呀!
This is an erudite old man.
6. 他是個學識淵博的人。
He is a man of vast reading.
7. 霍華德先生學識淵博
Mr Howard has much learning, but he hides it in a napkin.
8. 主人也希望自己能夠對晚宴的用酒顯得學識淵博。
The host would also like to appear knowledgeable about the wines served at the event.
9. 他們學識淵博,被委以用文字書寫歷史的神聖職務。
They were highly learned men who were entrusted with the sacred task of keeping the written records.
10. 他有學識淵博的大腦,超強的推理能力,無人能及。
He had a brain which seemed to be more varied in knowledge and ability and deduction than anyone else.
學識淵博,漢語成語,拼音是xué shí yuān bó,意思是指學識深而且廣。
have a large stock of information; One's learning is profound and immense.; have great learning; be learned