意圖的英文 意圖用英語怎麼說?
intention n.預期的東西;目的;計劃;癒合;意念;意圖
intent n.意圖;目的
purpose n.目的;意圖;決心;考慮;意志;決斷;要求
常用 權威
1. 示意圖
sketch map;schematic diagram/drawing
2. 申明意圖
make public one's intentions
3. 洩露意圖
disclose one's hidden purpose
4. 購買意圖
purchase plan
5. 透露意圖
reveal one's intention
6. 探出意圖
worm out sb's intention
7. 改變意圖
change one's intention
8. 箭頭示意圖
arrow scheme
9. 主要意圖
chief purpose
10. 戰略意圖
strategic intent
11. 犯罪意圖
criminal intent
12. 符合意圖
meet sb's purpose
13. 掩蓋意圖
conceal one's intention
14. 測探意圖
fathom sb's intentions
15. 對自己的意圖秘而不宣
keep one's intentions to oneself
16. 探明真實意圖
find out sb's real intention
17. 錯會別人的意圖
misunderstand sb's intentions
18. 猜摸某人的真實意圖
guess at sb's real intention
1. 這時你把你的意圖變為具體的行動。
This is when you change your intentions (意圖) into specific actions.
2. 賦予他們合法性的是時間,而不是意圖。
Time, rather than intention, has given them legitimacy.
3. 首相在講話中聲明瞭他的意圖。
The prime minister declared his intention in the speech.
4. 他試圖探聽出他們的真實意圖。
He tried to sound them out as to their real intention.
5. 這狗很有靈性,能領會主人的意圖。
The dog is intelligent and capable of sensing what his master wants.
6. 只有總統跟前的人才能領會他的意圖。
Only those around the President understood his intentions.
7. 你一定是誤會了我的意圖。
You must have mistaken my intentions.
8. 我在談話中一直試圖測探他的真實意圖。
I was trying to determine his real intention through our discussions.
9. 她一直都完全誤解了他的意圖嗎?
Had she been completely misreading his intentions?
10. 接著很快產生了對蘇聯意圖的不信任。
Distrust of Soviet intentions soon followed.
意圖是比較清楚地意識到要爭取實現的 目標和方法的需要,它通常以僅僅是設想而未 付諸行動的 企圖、願望、幻想、理想等方式存在。意圖作為 動機是推動人去行動的現實力量。人在清醒地狀態中,絕大部分的活動都是有意圖的。人的活動的主要動機是信念。
名詞 intention; intent; purpose
1. 我在談話中一直試圖測探他的真實意圖。
I was trying to determine his real intention through our discussions.
2. 他來的意圖是什麼?
What is his intent in coming?
3. 戰略意圖
strategic intent
4. 購買意圖
purchase plan
5. 犯罪意圖
criminal intent
6. 迎合意圖
fit/suit sb's purpose
7. 隱瞞意圖
conceal/disguise one's design; keep one's intention to oneself
8. 掩蓋意圖
conceal/cover one's purpose
9. 洩露意圖
disclose one's hidden purpose
10. 誤解意圖
misconstrue/mistake sb's intention
11. 透露意圖
reveal one's intention
12. 探出意圖
worm out sb's intention
13. 說明意圖
announce/declare/state one's intention
14. 識破意圖
see through/penetrate sb's design
15. 實現意圖
carry out/accomplish one's intention
16. 領會上級意圖
understand the intention of one's superior
17. 改變意圖
change one's intention
18. 符合意圖
meet sb's purpose
19. 表明意圖
disclose/express one's intention (to do sth); make known one's intention; make one's intention clear