過了一會兒的英文 過了一會兒用英語怎麼說?
after a while 片刻之後;一會後;一陣子之後
常用 重點詞彙
1. 過了一會兒,粥煮倒了,火滅了。
The next minute, the porridge boiled over and put out the fire.
2. 過了一會兒,他成功地從她嘴裡取出了那塊梨。
After a short while, he succeeded in getting the piece of pear out of her mouth.
3. 過了
After a while, the winds died down and the loud roaring sound was gone.
4. \讓我們種些樹吧!\過了一會兒,我們的老師說。
\Let's plant some trees! \ said our teacher after a moment.
5. 過了一會兒,我兒子從店裡出來,手裡拿著一件新外套。
After a while, my son came out of the store, and a new coat was in his hand.
6. 過了一會兒,他開始爬上半開的窗戶,一條腿跨過了窗戶。
A moment later, he began to climb the half-open window—one leg went over it.
7. 過了一會兒,他回到了辦公室。
A few moments later he returned to the office.
8. 他們緊貼在一起,過了一會兒,她鬆開了自己。
They clung together for a moment, then she disengaged herself.
9. 過了一會兒才弄清這些莫名其妙的事是怎樣湊到一起來的。
It took a while to figure out how the confounded things fit together.
10. 過了一會兒,羅伯託回到了裡面。
After a while, Roberto came back inside.
a little while; in a while/an instant; presently; soon; now ...now/then ...