餘額的英文 餘額用英語怎麼說?
balance n.平衡;協調;天平;配重;平衡力;重心;主要部分;結存;借貸差額;沉著
difference n.差異點;不同之處;差異;不同;差額;分歧;餘額;意見不同;爭吵;附加圖記
remainder n.剩餘部分;有待繼承產權;指定繼承產權;未來繼承產權;殘餘權;其餘;其餘部分;餘數;剩書
surplus n.剩餘;過剩;盈餘;順差;超淨資產
常用 權威
1. 貸款餘額
loan balance
2. 外債餘額
outstanding external debt
3. 現有餘額
balance on hand
4. 餘額表
balance sheet
5. 存款餘額
the balance of deposits
6. 現金餘額
cash balance; cash reserve
7. 結算餘額
strike a balance
8. 填補餘額
fill the vacancy
9. 賬面餘額
book balance;book balance
10. 貸方餘額
balance due; credit balance
11. 庫存餘額
balance of stores; stock balance
12. 餘額包銷
standby commitment/underwriting
13. 餘額查詢
balance inquiry
14. 餘額遞減法
declining balance method
15. 結轉一筆餘額
carry forward a balance
1. 我銀行賬上的餘額不多了。
My bank balance has dwindled.
2. 我付了十萬元現金,餘額用抵押貸款支付。
I put down a hundred thousand in cash and took out a mortgage for the rest.
3. 這樣還剩下欠款餘額320美元.
This leaves a debit balance of $ 320.
4. 你能抽時間來安排餘額支付好嗎。
Could you please make time to arrange the balance payment.
5. 例如:帳戶餘額必須大於取款額。
For example: The account balance must be greater than the withdrawal amount.
6. 帳戶上有100英鎊的貸款餘額。
The account has a credit balance of100.
7. 關於應付福利費有餘額的問題。
With regard to meet the welfare costs of a balance problem.
8. 而且餘額寶沒有設定最低投資門檻。
Yu'e Bao also requires no minimum threshold to buy in.
9. 賒帳金額|貸方餘額信用證金額
Credit balance amount of credit
10. “完成交易”用例 修改餘額。
The \perform a transaction\ use case modifies the balance.
名詞 vacancies yet to be filled; unfilled quotas
1. 這個游泳班是否還有餘額?
Are there any vacancies in the swimming class?
2. 填補餘額
fill the vacancy
名詞 remaining sum; balance; difference; remainder; surplus
1. 我銀行賬上的餘額不多了。
My bank balance has dwindled.
2. 賬面餘額
book balance
3. 貸方/借方餘額
credit/debit balance
4. 存款餘額
the balance of deposits
5. 結轉一筆餘額
carry forward a balance
6. 將餘額全部取出
draw the balance down to nothing