雙方的英文 雙方用英語怎麼說?
both parties/sides; two parties/sides
常用 權威
1. 締約雙方
both contracting parties
2. 交戰雙方
both belligerents
3. 雙方利益
interests of both sides
4. 買賣雙方
the buyer and the seller; both vendor and purchaser
5. 簽約雙方
two parties to the contract
6. 雙方當事人
both litigants
7. 對立雙方
opposing sides
8. 勞資雙方
both labour and capital
9. 雙方協議
bilateral agreement
10. 雙方代表
representatives from both sides
11. 合同雙方
contracting parties
12. 給雙方記分
score for both sides
13. 使雙方和解
bring both sides together
14. 買賣雙方直接交易
over-the-counter transaction
15. 在吵架的雙方中間說和
mediate (in) a quarrel
1. 這讓雙方都陷入了危險的境地。
It put both sides into a dangerous situation.
2. 這種夥伴關係對雙方都有利。
The partnership benefits both sides.
3. 當雙方都做出有趣的貢獻時。
When both sides make interesting contributions.
4. 當雙方有很多共同點的時候。
When both sides have a lot of things in common.
5. 當雙方試圖尋求共同點時。
When both sides try to seek common ground.
6. 和身體的對抗一樣,口頭打仗也會傷到雙方。
Like physical fights, verbal fights can leave both sides bloodied.
7. 當雙方都同情對方時。
When both sides are sympathetic with each other.
8. 更嚴重的是,我感覺我們雙方之間沒有共同點。
More seriously, I feel like we don't have much in common.
9. 感覺不像是人情關係或者民主關係,即使雙方都受益。
It doesn't feel like a human or democratic relationship, even if both sides benefit.
10. DeepMind必須首先承認雙方的出發點都是好的。
DeepMind must start by acknowledging that both sides mean well.
名詞 both parties/sides; two parties/sides
1. 合作對雙方有利。
Co-operation benefits both sides.
2. 雙方互不相讓。
Neither side was willing to give in. / Each side held its own ground.
3. 雙方各執一詞。
Each side persisted in its own views.
4. 男女雙方
both the female and male sides
5. 勞資雙方
both labour and capital
6. 交戰雙方
both belligerents
7. 締約雙方
both contracting parties
8. 雙方協議
bilateral agreement
9. 雙方利益
interests of both sides
10. 雙方當事人
both litigants
11. 雙方代表
representatives from both sides