早期的英文 早期用英語怎麼說?
early stage 早期階段;早期;初期
early phase 早期階段
initial stage 初始階段;最初階段;初期
常用 權威
1. 早期試用
early stage trial
2. 早期教育
education in the early childhood
3. 妊娠早期
early trimester of pregnancy
4. 早期妊娠
early pregnancy
5. 早期白話
early vernacular [the vernacular style of written Chinese as used before the May 4th Movement of 1919]
6. 孕早期篩查
first-trimester screening
7. 早期試驗
early stage trial
8. 早期癌症
early stage cancer
9. 早期報警衛星
advance-warning satellite; early-warning satellite
1. 但科爾蒂納說,早期接觸是有益的。
However, Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial.
2. 一些早期的企業遭遇了直接的失敗。
Some of the early ventures (企業)were immediate failures.
3. 自控問題可能在兒童早期就被發現。
Self-control problems may be detected early in children.
4. 最強大的影響發生在兒童早期。
The most powerful influences occur during early childhood.
5. 我早期養成的另一個習慣是戶外活動。
Another habit I formed early was being outdoors.
6. 隨著農耕的開始,早期人類開始定居。
With the beginning of farming, early humans began to settle down (定居).
7. 在早期,豬被允許自由走動尋找食物。
In the early times, pigs were allowed to wander freely in search of food.
8. 許多早期的汽車有兩個座位。
Many of the early cars had two seats.
9. 兒童早期注意力的貢獻者。
The contributors to children's early attention.
10. 在攝影的早期,曝光時間是出了名的長。
In the early days of photography, exposure times were notoriously long.
名詞 early stage/phase; initial stage
1. 早期作品
sb's early works; works of sb's earlier period
2. 早期試驗
early stage trial
3. 早期妊娠
early pregnancy
4. 早期教育
education in the early childhood
5. 早期癌症
early stage cancer