悲痛的英文 悲痛用英語怎麼說?
grieved vt.使悲傷;使傷心;(grieve的過去式)
sorrowful adj.傷心的;悲傷的;使人悲傷的
常用 權威
1. 無限悲痛
be in great grief
2. 極為悲痛
be grief-stricken
3. 悲痛萬分
be in extreme grief
4. 陷入悲痛
abandon oneself to grief
5. 十分悲痛
in sore distress
6. 滿懷悲痛
be filled with immense grief
7. 悲痛欲絕
be grief-stricken; be inconsolable; be frantic with grief; one's bosom is torn by sorrow
8. 化悲痛為力量
turn grief into strength
9. 悲痛得幾乎發瘋
go nearly mad with grief
1. 布萊恩特先生的去世引起了巨大的悲痛。
Mr. Bryant's death has caused great sadness.
2. 獲悉噩耗,他甚感悲痛
He was grieved to hear the sad news.
3. 悲痛齧噬著她的心。
Grief gnaws her heart.
4. 她悲痛得心如刀割。
Her heart is pierced with grief.
5. 她沒有機會為母親的死感到悲痛。
She did not have the opportunity to grieve her mother's death.
6. 她由於極度悲痛幾乎要發狂了。
She was beside herself with anguish.
7. 他的受害人的悲痛欲絕的親屬。
The distressed relatives of his victims.
8. 他悲痛欲狂,因而給他服用了鎮靜劑。
He was distraught with grief and under sedation.
9. 他摯友的去世使他悲痛欲絕。
He was desolated by the deaths of his treasured friends.
10. 白天工作的時候,我能夠忍受住悲痛。
At work during the day I could support the grief.
悲痛(英文:grieved),讀音為bēi tòng,漢語詞語,指的是傷心。例句有“突如其來的噩耗使他陷入極大的悲痛之中”。 相關近義詞有哀悼、沮喪、悲慟,反義詞有愉悅、愉快、快樂。
形詞 grieved; sorrowful
1. 為她的死而感到悲痛
grieve (over) her death; feel sorrow at her death
2. 化悲痛為力量
turn grief into strength; convert sorrow into strength
3. 十分悲痛
in sore distress
4. 極為悲痛
be grief-stricken
5. 悲痛得幾乎發瘋
go nearly mad with grief
6. 悲痛萬分
be in extreme grief
7. 抑制悲痛
control/master/restrain one's grief
8. 深感悲痛
be in deep grief; feel deep/profound/keen sorrow (for)
9. 減輕悲痛
assuage/lighten/mitigate one's sorrow